Osservatorio delle libertà ed istituzioni religiose


Osservatorio delle Libertà ed Istituzioni Religiose

Accordo 07 dicembre 1998

Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Hungary and the Lutheran Church of Hungary, 7 dicembre 1998. Preamble The Government of the Republic of Hungary (hereinafter referred as Government) and the Lutheran Church of Hungary (herein referred to as Church; together referred to as Parties), inspired by the desire to find a long term […]

Legge 24 gennaio 1990, n.IV

Act IV/1990 on the Freedom of Conscience and Religion and the Churches, 24 gennaio 1990. Churches, denominations and religious communities in Hungary are entities of prominent importance capable of creating values and commu¬nities. In addition to their efforts falling within the sphere of religious life, they also play a significant role in the nation’s life […]

Legge 23 aprile 1991, n.987-XII

Law no. 987-XII of 23 April 1991 on the Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations, così come emendata da ultimo nel 1996. SECTION I GENERAL PROVISIONS Art. 1 (Objectives of the Law) The objectives of this law are as follows: – to guarantee the right to the freedom of conscience to citizens of Ukraine and […]

Legge 26 marzo 1992, n.192

Act 192/1992 on Registration of Churches and Religious Societies, 26 marzo 1992. Art. 1 The authority executing registration of churches and religious societies under separate legislation in the territory of the Slovak Republic is the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic. Art. 2 A church or religious society may submit a registration proposal when […]

Legge 1991, n.308

Law on the Freedom of Religious Belief and on the Status of Churches and Religious Societies, Act No. 308/991, così come emendata dall’Act No. 394/2000 Coll. (Slovakia) PART ONE GENERAL STIPULATIONS Art. 1 1. All persons have the right to freely express their religion or faith, by themselves or jointly with other persons, privately or […]

Decreto 28 maggio 2002, n.232

Decree no. 232/2002 Coll. of the Ministry of Culture to implement the Act No. 3/2002 Coll. on the freedom of religious expression and the position of churches and amendments to some acts (Act on Churches), 28 maggio 2002. Section 1 (Division of Registers) 1. The Registers shall consist of a public part and a confidential […]

Legge 19 marzo 1992, n.161

Act no. 161/1992 on registration of churches and religious societies, 19 marzo 1992. Art. 1 The churches and religious societies which intent to develop its activities in the area of the Czech Republic, are registrated by the Ministry of culture of the Czech Republic, if: a) registered with them at least 10.000 of full age […]

Legge 14 ottobre 1949, n.218

Act no. 218/1949 Coll. on the state funding of churches and religious societies, 14 ottobre 1949, così come emendato nel 2002. Section 1 (Personal emoluments of the clergy) 1. Under the subsequent provisions of this Act, the state shall make payments in the amount determined by specific regulations to the registered churches and religious societies […]

Legge 24 marzo 1992, n.979-XII

Law n. 979-XII of 24 march 1992 on creeds. CHAPTER 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS Art. 1 (Freedom of Conscience and Freedom of Creed) The state guarantees freedom of conscience and freedom of creed in the Moldova Republic. Everyone has the right to live, individually or jointly with others, his/her own creed, to practice the creed individually […]

Legge 23 luglio 1997

Law on Religious Communities and Religious Groups, 23 luglio 1997. I. COMMON REGULATIONS ART. 1 This Law regulates the position of the religious communities, their foundation and operation, religious instruction and religious schools as a form of realization of the religious freedom and faith expression. ART. 2 The religious communities or groups are free in […]