Osservatorio delle libertà ed istituzioni religiose


Osservatorio delle Libertà ed Istituzioni Religiose

Sentenza 03 novembre 2015, n.32419/04

The case concerned an action to recover possession of property which
had been confiscated from the Parish when the communist regime
was established in 1948. Prior to 1948 the Greek-Catholic
parishes had possessed a range of properties, lands and
buildings. The Uniate denomination was dissolved in 1948 and the
property of the Greek-Catholic Church was transferred to the
State, apart from parish property, which was transferred to the
Orthodox Church. The Uniate denomination was officially
recognised after the fall of the communist regime in December
1989. As regards the legal situation of the former property of the
Uniate parishes, a section of the Legislative Decree laid down
that it should be adjudicated by joint commissions
of representatives of the clergy of both denominations, and that
in reaching their decisions the commissions should take account
of “the wishes of the adherents of the communities to whom
the properties belong”. In the event of disagreement
between the clerical representatives, the party interested in
taking legal action could bring proceedings under ordinary domestic
law. Between 1998 and 2002 several unproductive meetings were
held by representatives of the Siseşti Parish Eastern-Rite
Catholic Church and Orthodox Church representatives. On 24 February
2004 the applicant’s action was initially dismissed under a
final judgment of the Supreme Court of Justice on the ground that
the commission had not yet assessed the legal situation of the
property in issue and that, moreover, part of that property came
under special legislation. In April 2005 the applicant parish
lodged a fresh claim with the Regional Court to recover possession of
the property, over which it claimed rightful ownership. That
Court dismissed that claim. The Court of Appeal referred the case
back. The court adjourned its examination of the case from 2 June 2008
to 27 February 2009 on the ground that an objection as regards
constitutionality had been transmitted to the Constitutional
Court. On 21 September 2011 the court ordered the restitution of the
church and the land at issue. The appeals lodged by both parties
were dismissed. By judgment of 21 November 2012 the High Court
upheld the decisions given. Relying in particular on Article 6
§ 1 (right to a fair hearing within a reasonable time) the
applicant notably complained about the length of the proceedings
concerning their action to recover possession of their places of
worship. [Press Release]

Legge 30 luglio 2012, n.126

Legge 30 luglio 2012 n. 126: “Norme per la regolazione dei rapporti tra lo Stato e la Sacra arcidiocesi ortodossa d'Italia ed Esarcato per l'Europa Meridionale, in attuazione dell'articolo 8, terzo comma, della Costituzione”.   (in Suppl. ordinario n. 168 alla Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana 7 agosto 2012, n. 183)   [in vigore dal […]

Varie 20 settembre 2004

Consiglio Episcopale Permanente. Roma, 20-23 settembre 2004. Prolusione del Presidente S.Em. Card. Camillo RUINI Venerati e cari Confratelli, questo nostro incontro di settembre ha luogo mentre i nostri cuori sono oppressi dal dolore e dalla preoccupazione per i lutti e le tragedie che non cessano di aggravarsi e moltiplicarsi, specialmente ad opera del terrorismo, ma […]

Dichiarazione/i 01 luglio 2004

Giovanni Paolo II – Bartolomeo I: “Dichiarazione congiunta”, 1° luglio 2004. «Vigilate, state saldi nella fede, comportatevi da uomini, siate forti. Tutto si faccia tra voi nella carità» (1 Cor 16,13-14). 1. Nello spirito di fede in Cristo e di carità reciproca che ci unisce, ringraziamo Dio per il dono di questo nostro nuovo incontro, […]

Interrogazione 27 aprile 2001, n.E-1267/01

Parlamento europeo. Interrogazione scritta E-1267/01 di Stavros Xarchakos (PPE-DE) al Consiglio: “Tutela del patrimonio culturale in Turchia”, 27 aprile 2001. (da “Gazzetta Ufficiale delle Comunità Europee” C 81 E del 4 aprile 2002, pag. 16) Il Vertice di Helsinki del dicembre 1999 ha accordato alla Turchia lo status di paese “candidato all’adesione” all’Unione europea. Tuttavia […]