Osservatorio delle libertà ed istituzioni religiose


Osservatorio delle Libertà ed Istituzioni Religiose

Legge costituzionale 21 dicembre 1867

Legge costituzionale 21 dicembre 1867: “Basic Law on the General Rights of Nationals in the Kingdoms and Länder represented in he Council of the Realm”. With he approval of both Houses of the Council of the Realm I deem proper to issue the following Basic Law about he general rights of nationals and order: (omissis) […]

Legge 23 novembre 1982

Loi du 23 novembre 1982 portant approbation de la “Convention de reconnaissance de l’Eglise Protestante Réformée du Luxembourg, octroi de la personnalité juridique à celle-ci et détermination des fonctions et emplois rémunérés par l’Etat”. Nous Jean, par la grace de Dieu, Grand-Duc de Luxembourg, Duc de Nassau; Notre Conseil d’Etat entendu; De l’assentiment de la […]

Costituzione 03 settembre 1992

THE CONSTITUTION OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC, 3 settembre 1992. Article 1 The Slovak Republic is a sovereign, democratic state governed by the rule of law. It is not bound by any ideology or religion. (omissis) Article 12 (1) All human beings are free and equal in dignity and rights. Their fundamental rights and freedoms are […]