Osservatorio delle libertà ed istituzioni religiose


Osservatorio delle Libertà ed Istituzioni Religiose

Legge 23 dicembre 2002, n.49

Legge 23 dicembre 2002, n. 49: "Regimen fiscal de las entidades son fines lucrativos y los incentivos fiscales al mecenazgo". LEY 49/2002, DE 23 DE DICIEMBRE, DE RÉGIMEN FISCAL DE LAS ENTIDADES SON FINES LUCRATIVOS Y DE LOS INCENTIVOS FISCALES AL MECENAZGO. (BOE DE 24 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2002) EXPOSICIÓN DE MOTIVOS I La importancia […]

Parere 09 marzo 1993

Dirección General de Tributos. Parere 9 marzo 1993. CONSULTA DE 9 DE MARZO DE 1993. (BASE DE DATOS “LA LEY”). C-265/1995. Pág. C-435. ASUNTO. Impuesto sobre el Valor Añadido. Hecho Imponible. Servicios religiosos no católicos. Prestación de los mismos por extranjero con permiso de residencia. Sujeción. DISPOSICIONES ESTUDIADAS. R.D. 2028/1985, de 30 de Octubre, Impuesto […]

Ordinanza ministeriale 05 giugno 2001

Ministerio de Economia y Hacienda. Ordinanza 5 giugno 2001: “Orden por la que se aclara la inclusion del impueste sobre construcciones, instalaciones y obras en la letra b) del apartado 1 del articulo IV del acuerdo entre el Estado espanol y la Santa Sede sobre asuntos economicos”. (Omissis) El Acuerdo entre el Estado español y […]

Decreto 01 giugno 1964, n.498

Décret n° 64-498 du 1er juin 1964 portant règlement d’administration publique relatif aux ministres du culte attachés aux forces armées. Modifié par : Décret n°78-140 du février 1978 (BOC, p. 1781). Décret n°93-413 du 15 mars 1993 (BOC, p. 2201) NOR DEFP9202188D. Textes abrogés : Décret n°46-1543 du 15 juin 1946 (BO/G, p. 1261). Décret […]

Accordo 22 dicembre 2000

Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Hungary and the Alliance of the Jewish Communities of Hungary, 22 dicembre 2000. Preamble The Government of the Republic of Hungary (hereinafter referred to as Government) and the Alliance of the Jewish Communities of Hungaryry (MAZSIHISZ; together referred to as Parties), convinced that the confirmation of the […]

Accordo 09 dicembre 1998

Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Hungary and Serb Orthodox Diocese of Buda, 9 dicembre 1998. Preamble The Serb Orthodox Diocese of Buda has been enhancing Hungary’s material and intellectual culture for more than 300 years, and through its work of several centuries has played a significant role in the life, culture, and, […]

Accordo 07 dicembre 1998

Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Hungary and the Lutheran Church of Hungary, 7 dicembre 1998. Preamble The Government of the Republic of Hungary (hereinafter referred as Government) and the Lutheran Church of Hungary (herein referred to as Church; together referred to as Parties), inspired by the desire to find a long term […]

Legge 1997, n.CXXIV

Act CXXIV/1997 on the Financial Conditions of Religious and Public Activities of Churches. Recognising the millennial work of Hungarian churches in the life and interest of the nation, Being aware of the importance of the religious conviction in the Hungarian society, Continuing the secular tradition embodied in Act XX/1848, Act XLIII/1895 and Act XXXIII/1947 as […]

Legge 24 gennaio 1990, n.IV

Act IV/1990 on the Freedom of Conscience and Religion and the Churches, 24 gennaio 1990. Churches, denominations and religious communities in Hungary are entities of prominent importance capable of creating values and commu¬nities. In addition to their efforts falling within the sphere of religious life, they also play a significant role in the nation’s life […]

Protocollo di intesa 22 luglio 1998

Protocollo di Intesa fra la Regione Piemonte e la Conferenza Episcopale Piemontese per il servizio di assistenza religiosa presso le strutture di ricovero del Servizio Sanitario Regionale, 22 luglio 1998. (da “Conferenza Episcopale Italiana. Osservatorio Giuridico Legislativo. Notiziario” a. IV, n. 11, 1998) La Regione Piemonte (C.F. n. 8007670016) rappresentata nella persona del Presidente pro-tempore […]