Osservatorio delle libertà ed istituzioni religiose


Osservatorio delle Libertà ed Istituzioni Religiose

Accordo 09 dicembre 1998

Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Hungary and Serb Orthodox Diocese of Buda, 9 dicembre 1998. Preamble The Serb Orthodox Diocese of Buda has been enhancing Hungary’s material and intellectual culture for more than 300 years, and through its work of several centuries has played a significant role in the life, culture, and, […]

Legge 24 gennaio 1990, n.IV

Act IV/1990 on the Freedom of Conscience and Religion and the Churches, 24 gennaio 1990. Churches, denominations and religious communities in Hungary are entities of prominent importance capable of creating values and commu¬nities. In addition to their efforts falling within the sphere of religious life, they also play a significant role in the nation’s life […]

Costituzione 20 agosto 1949

Costituzione, 20 agosto 1949, così come emendata da ultimo nel 1989. (Omissis) Art. 60 1. In the Republic of Hungary everyone has the right to freedom of thought, freedom of conscience and freedom of religion. 2. This right shall include the free choice or acceptance of a religion or belief, and the freedom to publicly […]

Legge 23 aprile 1991, n.987-XII

Law no. 987-XII of 23 April 1991 on the Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations, così come emendata da ultimo nel 1996. SECTION I GENERAL PROVISIONS Art. 1 (Objectives of the Law) The objectives of this law are as follows: – to guarantee the right to the freedom of conscience to citizens of Ukraine and […]

Costituzione 23 dicembre 1991

Republic of Slovenia. Costituzione, 23 dicembre 1991. (Omissis) Article 5 (State Objectives) (1) In its own territory, the state shall protect human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall protect and guarantee the rights of the autochthonous Italian and Hungarian national communities. It shall maintain concern for autochthonous Slovene national minorities in neighbouring countries and for […]

Costituzione 08 dicembre 1991

Costituzione, 8 dicembre 1991. (Omissis) Art. 4 1. The State foundation is laid on the unity of the Romanian people. 2. Romania is the common and indivisible homeland of all its citizens, without any discrimination on account of race, nationality, ethnic origin, language, religion, sex, opinion, political adherence, property, or social origin. (Omissis) Art. 6 […]

Accordo 03 giugno 1998

Agreement on Cooperation among the Ministry of Defence, the Ecumenical Council of the Churches in the Czech Republic and the Czech Bishops’ Conference, 3 giugno 1998. The Ministry of Defence […] and the Churches associated in the Ecumenical Council of the Churches […] and the Churches represented by the Chairman of the Czech Bishops’ Conference […]

Costituzione 02 aprile 1997

Costituzione, 2 aprile 1997. (Omissis) We, the Polish Nation – all citizens of the Republic, Both those who believe in God as the source of truth, justice, good and beauty, as well as those not sharing such faith but respecting those universal values as arising from other sources, (Omissis) Beholden to our ancestors for their […]

Costituzione 25 ottobre 1992

Costituzione, 25 ottobre 1992. (Omissis) Art. 25 (Omissis) 4. Freedom to express convictions or impart information shall be incompatible with criminal actions – the instigation of national, racial, religious, or social hatred, violence, or discrimination, the dissemination of slander, or misinformation. (Omissis) Art. 26 1. Freedom of thought, conscience, and religion shall not be restricted. […]

Legge 07 settembre 1995

Law on Religious Organizations, 7 settembre 1995, così come emendata nel 2002. ART. 1 (TERMS USED IN THIS LAW) The following terms are used in this Law: 1. Religious activities – to adhere to a religion or a faith, to practice cult, religious or ritual ceremonies and to proclaim doctrine; 2. Religious denominations (hereinafter – […]