Osservatorio delle libertà ed istituzioni religiose


Osservatorio delle Libertà ed Istituzioni Religiose

Sentenza 24 maggio 2018, n.12954

“In tema di separazione giudiziale dei coniugi, posto che
l’affido condiviso deve escludersi quando possa essere
pregiudizievole per l’interesse dei figli minori, deve disporsi
l’affido esclusivo del minore, nella specie di cinque anni
di età, al genitore in grado di assicurargli un modello
educativo predominante idoneo a garantirne un regolare processo
di socializzazione, e consentirgli l’acquisizione delle
certezze indispensabili per una crescita equilibrata, se
l’altro genitore, nella specie la madre, per avere
la religione dei testimoni di Geova, si presenta
destabilizzante per il minore stesso, prospettando un modello
educativo tale da renderne impossibile una corretta

Legge 29 dicembre 2006

The Himachal Pradesh Freedom of Religion Act, 2006 (passed on 29th December 2006, assented by the Governor on 18th February 2007) AN ACT to provide for prohibition of conversion from one religion to another by the use of force or inducement or by fraudulent means and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. BE it […]

Legge 17 aprile 2006, n.06-09

Loi n° 06-09 du 18 Rabie El Aouel 1427, correspondant au 17 avril 2006, portant approbation de l’ordonnance n° 06-03 du 29 Moharram 1427, correspondant au 28 février 2006, fixant les conditions et règles d’exercice des cultes autres que musulman. (Journal Officiel de la République algérienne n. 27, 26 avril 2006) Le Président de la […]

Legge 2003

"The Gujarat Freedom of Religion Act 2003" To provide for freedom of religion by prohibition of conversion from one religion to another by the use of force or allurement or by fraudulent means and for the matters incidental thereto. It is hereby enacted in the fifty fourth year of the Republic of India as follows:- […]

Regolamento 30 gennaio 1969

Regolamenti 30 gennaio 1969. The “Madhya Pradesh Dharma Swantantrya Rules, 1969” (Anti-conversion Rules). In exercise of the powers conferred by section 8 of the Madhya Pradesh Dharma Swatantrya Abhiniyam, 1963 (No. 27 of 1968), the State Government hereby makes the following rules, namely:- RULES 1. Short title These rules may be called the Madhya Pradesh […]

Legge 19 ottobre 1968, n.27

Act 19th october 1968, No. 27. “Madhya Pradesh Dharma Swantantrya Adhiniyam, 1968”. (“Madhya Pradesh Gazette” Extraordinary, 21st October, 1968) Be it enacted by the Madhya Pradesh Legislature in the Nineteenth Year of the Republic of India as follows: Section 1. Short Title, extent and commencement (1) This Act may be called the Madhya Pradesh Dharma […]

Regolamento 1989

Regolamento No. 70533. “The Orissa Freedom of Religion Rules, 1989” In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 7 of the Orissa Freedom of Religion Act, 1967 ( Orissa Act 2 of 1968 ), the State Government of Orissa, do hereby make the following rules, namely: 1. Short Title (1) These rules may be called […]