Osservatorio delle libertà ed istituzioni religiose


Osservatorio delle Libertà ed Istituzioni Religiose

Legge 26 marzo 1992, n.192

Act 192/1992 on Registration of Churches and Religious Societies, 26 marzo 1992. Art. 1 The authority executing registration of churches and religious societies under separate legislation in the territory of the Slovak Republic is the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic. Art. 2 A church or religious society may submit a registration proposal when […]

Legge 1991, n.308

Law on the Freedom of Religious Belief and on the Status of Churches and Religious Societies, Act No. 308/991, così come emendata dall’Act No. 394/2000 Coll. (Slovakia) PART ONE GENERAL STIPULATIONS Art. 1 1. All persons have the right to freely express their religion or faith, by themselves or jointly with other persons, privately or […]

Decreto 28 maggio 2002, n.232

Decree no. 232/2002 Coll. of the Ministry of Culture to implement the Act No. 3/2002 Coll. on the freedom of religious expression and the position of churches and amendments to some acts (Act on Churches), 28 maggio 2002. Section 1 (Division of Registers) 1. The Registers shall consist of a public part and a confidential […]

Legge 19 marzo 1992, n.161

Act no. 161/1992 on registration of churches and religious societies, 19 marzo 1992. Art. 1 The churches and religious societies which intent to develop its activities in the area of the Czech Republic, are registrated by the Ministry of culture of the Czech Republic, if: a) registered with them at least 10.000 of full age […]

Legge 24 marzo 1992, n.979-XII

Law n. 979-XII of 24 march 1992 on creeds. CHAPTER 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS Art. 1 (Freedom of Conscience and Freedom of Creed) The state guarantees freedom of conscience and freedom of creed in the Moldova Republic. Everyone has the right to live, individually or jointly with others, his/her own creed, to practice the creed individually […]

Legge 04 ottobre 1995, n.I-1057

Law no. I-1057 of 4 October 1995 on Religious Communities and Associations. Art. 1 (Purpose of the Law) This Law shall establish the legal relations of religious communities and associations and the State of Lithuania, and shall implement the human right of freedom of religion consolidated by the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania, other […]

Legge 07 settembre 1995

Law on Religious Organizations, 7 settembre 1995, così come emendata nel 2002. ART. 1 (TERMS USED IN THIS LAW) The following terms are used in this Law: 1. Religious activities – to adhere to a religion or a faith, to practice cult, religious or ritual ceremonies and to proclaim doctrine; 2. Religious denominations (hereinafter – […]

Costituzione 12 dicembre 1993

Costituzione, 12 dicembre 1993. (Omissis) Art. 13 (Omissis) 5. The establishment and the activities of public associations, whose aims and actions are directed at forcible alteration of the fundamentals of constitutional governance and violation of the integrity of the Russian Federation and undermining of the security of the state, the forming of armed units, the […]

Costituzione 21 dicembre 1990

Costituzione, 21 dicembre 1990. (Omissis) Art. 14 1. Citizens of the Republic of Croatia enjoy all rights and freedoms regardless of race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, education, social status, or other characteristics. 2. All are equal before the law. (Omissis) Art. 17 1. During a […]

Legge 20 dicembre 2002

Law on the Religious Confessions, 20 dicembre 2002. CHAPTER ONE GENERAL PROVISIONS Art. 1 This law provides for the right of religion of all persons under the jurisdiction of the Republic of Bulgaria and its protection, and the legal status of the religious communities and institutions as well, and their relations with the state. Art. […]