Osservatorio delle libertà ed istituzioni religiose


Osservatorio delle Libertà ed Istituzioni Religiose

Legge 2004, n.1136

Legge n. 628/1998: “Basic Education” (Amendments up to 1136/2004) (omissis) Section 11 Content of education 1. The basic education syllabus shall contain, as enacted by virtue of Section 14, the following core subjects: mother tongue and literature, the second national language, foreign languages, environmental studies, health education, religious education or ethics, history, social studies, mathematics, […]

Legge 2001, n.1226

Legge n. 929/1929: “Marriage Act” (Amendments up to 1226/2001 included) The date of entry into force of Act 1226/2001 is 1 March 2002 (omissis) Chapter 2 — Impediments to marriage (411/1987) Section 4 (411/1987) (1) A person under 18 years of age shall not marry. (2) The Ministry of Justice may, however, for special reasons […]

Legge 26 novembre 1998, n.1591

Act on Church of Sweden, 26 november 1998. Pursuant to a decision by the Riksdag the following is prescribed. The Church of Sweden as a religious community Section 1 The Church of Sweden is an Evangelical-Lutheran religious community that manifests itself in the form of parishes and dioceses. The Church of Sweden also has a […]

Decreto ministeriale 17 gennaio 1995, n.55

Decreto ministeriale 17 gennaio 1995, n. 55: “Act on the Folkeskole. The Danish Primary and Lower Secondary School”. (omissis) 5. (1) The content of the teaching shall be selected and organised so that it gives the pupils a possibility of absorption, a general view and a feeling of coherence. The teaching shall enable the pupils […]

Costituzione 11 giugno 1999, n.731

THE CONSTITUTION OF FINLAND, 11 June 1999. (omissis) CHAPTER 2 – Basic rights and liberties Section 6 – Equality Everyone is equal before the law. No one shall, without an acceptable reason, be treated differently from other persons on the ground of sex, age, origin, language, religion, conviction, opinion, health, disability or other reason that […]

Dichiarazione/i 31 ottobre 1999

Pontificio Consiglio per la Promozione dell’Unità dei Cristiani. “Dichiarazione congiunta sulla Dottirna della Giustificazione fra la Chiesa Cattolica e la Federazione Luterana Mondiale”, 31 ottobre 1999. Premessa 1. La dottrina della giustificazione ha avuto un’importanza fondamentale per la Riforma luterana del XVI secolo. Essa l’ha considerata l’«articolo primo e fondamentale»[1] e, al tempo stesso, la […]