Osservatorio delle libertà ed istituzioni religiose


Osservatorio delle Libertà ed Istituzioni Religiose

Sentenza 11 dicembre 2012

The court rejected two inmates’ constitutional and statutory
challenges to their temporary suspension of access to the building in
which religious services were held. The step was taken because the one
of the inmates had gotten the Catholic chaplain improperly to mail
letters for them while the other got the chaplain to look up
information in the Inmate Management System.

Regio decreto 09 febbraio 1986, n.190

Regio decreto 9 febbraio 1986, n. 190: “Reglamento penitenciario”. (Omissis) Artículo 4. Derechos. 1. La actividad penitenciaria se ejercerá respetando la personalidad de los internos y los derechos e intereses legítimos de los mismos no afectados por la condena, sin que pueda prevalecer discriminación alguna por razón de raza, sexo, religión, opinión, nacionalidad o cualquier […]