Osservatorio delle libertà ed istituzioni religiose


Osservatorio delle Libertà ed Istituzioni Religiose

Circolare Presidenza Consiglio Ministri 19 aprile 2000, n.Dagl 1/643-Pres

Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri. Circolare Dagl 1/643-Pres. 2000 concernente: “Ricognizione, ai sensi dell’articolo 5 del Dlgs n. 135/1999, del tipo di dati sensibili e delle operazioni eseguibili sugli stessi da parte dei soggetti pubblici. Chiarimenti”, 19 aprile 2000. Questa Presidenza, con circolare 24 dicembre 1999, n. Dagl/643 Pres. 98, ha fornito alcune indicazioni sugli […]

Legge 23 novembre 1999

Personal Data Protection Act (Wet bescherming persoonsgegevens). Rules for the protection of personal data. REVISED BILL (as approved by the Lower House on 23 November 1999) (UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATION; source: legislationline.org) We, Beatrix, by the grace of God, Queen of the Netherlands, Princess of Orange-Nassau, To all those who read or hear this, We greet you […]

Legge 17 gennaio 2002, n.73

Legge 17 gennaio 2002, n. 73: “Loi de modernisation sociale”. (in J.O. n° 15 du 18 janvier 2002, page 1008) (omissis) Chapitre III Lutte contre les discriminations dans la location des logements Article 158 Après le deuxième alinéa de l’article 1er de la loi n° 89-462 du 6 juillet 1989 tendant à améliorer les rapports […]

Codice penale 22 luglio 1992

Code pénal de la République Française. Partie législative (version consolidée) (Approvato con legge 22 luglio 1992. In vigore dal 1 marzo 1994) Partie législative LIVRE Ier : Dispositions générales. TITRE III : Des peines. CHAPITRE II : Du régime des peines. (omissis) Section 3 : De la définition de certaines circonstances entraînant l’aggravation, la diminution […]

Legge 15 luglio 2003

Malta: Data Protection Act, 15 luglio 2003. To make provision for the protection of individuals against the violation of their privacy by the processing of personal data and for matters connected therewith or ancillary thereto. 22nd March, 2002 – 15th November, 2002 – 15th July, 2003 ACT XXVI of 2001, as amended by Acts XXXI […]

Legge 09 marzo 2004, n.204

Loi n° 2004-204 du 9 mars 2004 portant adaptation de la justice aux évolutions de la criminalité (in Journal Officiel de la République Française, n° 59 du 10 mars 2004, page 4567) (omissis) Chapitre IV Dispositions concernant la lutte contre les discriminations. Section 1 Dispositions relatives à la répression des discriminations et des atteintes aux […]

Legge 03 febbraio 2003, n.88

Loi n° 2003-88 du 3 février 2003 visant à aggraver les peines punissant les infractions à caractère raciste, antisémite ou xénophobe (in Journal Officiel de la République Française, n° 29 du 4 février 2003, page 2104) L’Assemblée nationale et le Sénat ont adopté, Le Président de la République promulgue la loi dont la teneur suit […]

Legge 2000

EQUAL STAT US ACT 2000 An act to promote equality and prohibit types of discrimination, harassment and related behaviour in connection with the provis ion of services, property and other opportunities to which the public generally or a section of the public has access, to provide for inves tigating and remedying certain discrimination and other […]

Costituzione 16 agosto 1960

CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF CYPRUS, 16 agosto 1960. (omissis) Article 2 For the purposes of this Constitution: (1) the Greek Community comprises all citizens of the Republic who are of Greek origin and whose mother tongue is Greek or who share the Greek cultural traditions or who are members of the Greek-Orthodox Church; (2) […]