Osservatorio delle libertà ed istituzioni religiose


Osservatorio delle Libertà ed Istituzioni Religiose

Sentenza 02 marzo 2005

Sentenza 2 marzo 2005: “Inghilterra: libertà religiosa e riconoscimento del diritto di indossare la jilbab a scuola”. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURECOURT OF APPEAL (CIVIL DIVISION)ON APPEAL FROM THE ADMINISTRATIVE COURTBENNETT J Before : LORD JUSTICE BROOKEVice-President of the Court of Appeal (Civil Division)LORD JUSTICE MUMMERYandLORD JUSTICE SCOTT BAKER Between : The Queen on […]

Sentenza 27 maggio 2004

Sentenza 27 maggio 2004: “Divieto di indossare la nella scuola pubblica e diritto ad esprimere i propri sentimenti religiosi”. IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE ADMINISTRATIVE COURT, B e f o r e : THE HONOURABLE MR JUSTICE BENNETT Between: THE QUEEN on the application of SHABINA BEGUM (through her litigation friend Mr Sherwas Rahman) […]

Sentenza 25 novembre 1999

Corte d’Appello. Divisione Civile. Sentenza 25 novembre 1999: “Re J (child’s religious upbringing and circumcision)” FAMILY COURT REPORTS, Volume 1: Pages 307-314 [2000]. COURT OF APPEAL, CIVIL DIVISION DAME ELIZABETH BUTLER-SLOSS P, SCHLIEMANN AND THORPE, LJ – 24, 25 NOVEMBER 1999 (Omissis) The English mother, who was a non-practising Christian, met the father, a non-practising […]

Varie maggio 1997

GENERAL MEDICAL COUNCIL, (U.K.), London, England, May 1997. GUIDANCE FOR DOCTORS WHO ARE ASKED TO CIRCUMCISE MALE CHILDREN INTRODUCTION Background 1. We decided to review the issues raised by male circumcision as a result of a number of complaints made to us. These concerned doctors who had not provided an acceptable standards of practice when […]

Varie marzo 2003

The British Medical Association The professional association for doctors March 2003 The law & ethics of male circumcision – guidance for doctors Aim of the guidelines One of the BMA’s roles is to issue guidance to doctors on ethical and medico-legal issues. Accordingly, this guidance addresses the queries medical practitioners raise with the BMA about […]

Legge 16 giugno 1998

Inghilterra. “Data Protection Act”, 16 giugno 1998. (Omissis) PART I PRELIMINARY Basic interpretative provisions. 1. – (1) In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires – “data” means information which- (a) is being processed by means of equipment operating automatically in response to instructions given for that purpose, (b) is recorded with the intention that […]

Regolamento 26 giugno 2003, n.1660

Regno Unito. Regolamento 26 giugno 2003, n. 1660: “The Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003”. (Omissis) PART 1 GENERAL Citation, commencement and extent 1. (1) These Regulations may be cited as the Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003, and shall come into force on 2nd December 2003. (2) These Regulations do not extend […]

Regolamento 20 febbraio 2004, n.437

Regno Unito. Regolamento 20 febbraio 2004, n. 437: “The Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) (Amendment) Regulations 2004″. (Omissis) Made 20th February 2004 Laid before Parliament 26th February 2004 Coming into force 1st April 2004 The Secretary of State, being a Minister designated for the purposes of section 2 of the European Communities Act 1972 in […]