Osservatorio delle libertà ed istituzioni religiose


Osservatorio delle Libertà ed Istituzioni Religiose

Raccomandazione 13 giugno 2013

La Redazione di OLIR.it ringrazia per la segnalazione del documento
Mattia F. Ferrero, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano

Raccomandazione 27 gennaio 2011

Council of Europe, Parliamentary Assembly. Recommendation n. 1957 (2011): "Violence against Christians in the Middle East" (Provisional edition) (*) 1. The Parliamentary Assembly recalls that Christianity had its beginnings in the Middle East 2 000 years ago and that Christian communities have existed in the area since that time. 2. These communities, which are made […]

Raccomandazione 31 maggio 2005, n.170

Council of Europe – The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities. Recommendation 31 May 2005, n. 170 (2005) (*):  "on intercultural and inter-faith dialogue: initiatives and responsibilities of local authorities" The Congress, bearing in mind the proposal of the Chamber of Local Authorities, 1. Having examined the report on intercultural and inter-faith dialogue: initiatives and responsibilities […]

Raccomandazione 23 giugno 2010, n.1927

Council of Europe, Parliamentary Assembly. Recommendation n. 1927 (2010): "Islam, Islamism and Islamophobia in Europe" (provisional edition( (*) 1.       Referring to its Resolution 1743 (2010) on Islam, Islamism and Islamophobia, the Parliamentary Assembly emphasises the particular importance for the Council of Europe and its member states of increasing their action in this field. It is a priority […]

Raccomandazione 11 gennaio 2006

Conseil de l’Europe. Comité des Ministres. Recommandation Rec(2006)2 aux Etats membres sur les Règles pénitentiaires européennes, 11 gennaio 2006 Le Comité des Ministres, en vertu de l’article 15.b du Statut du Conseil de l’Europe, (omissis) Recommande aux gouvernements des Etats membres: – de suivre dans l’élaboration de leurs législations ainsi que de leurs politiques et […]

Raccomandazione 19 settembre 1991, n.1162

Council of Europe. Parliamentary Assembly. Recommendation 19 September 1991, n. 1162 (1991): "on the contribution of the Islamic civilisation to European culture". 1. The Council of Europe has the statutory mission to safeguard and realise the spiritual and moral values which are the common heritage of its member states. Article 9 of the European Convention on […]