Osservatorio delle libertà ed istituzioni religiose


Osservatorio delle Libertà ed Istituzioni Religiose

Costituzione 08 agosto 1980

Constitución Política de la República de Chile, 8 agosto 1980. CAPITULO I BASES DE LA INSTITUCIONALIDAD Artículo 1.-Las personas nacen libres e iguales en dignidad y derechos. (Modificado por Ley 19.611 de 1999) La familia es el núcleo fundamental de la sociedad. El Estado reconoce y ampara a los grupos intermedios a través de los […]

Costituzione 1919

“Costituzione della Repubblica di Weimar”, 1991. (omissis) ART. 10. Il Reich può stabilire con legge i principi generali in materia di: 1) diritti e doveri delle associazioni religiose 2) ordinamento scolastico compreso l’insegnamento superiore e le biblioteche scientifiche; 3) diritto di impiego per tutti gli enti pubblici; 4) diritto fondiario, ripartizione della terra, regime di […]

Costituzione 16 agosto 1960

CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF CYPRUS, 16 agosto 1960. (omissis) Article 2 For the purposes of this Constitution: (1) the Greek Community comprises all citizens of the Republic who are of Greek origin and whose mother tongue is Greek or who share the Greek cultural traditions or who are members of the Greek-Orthodox Church; (2) […]

Costituzione 05 maggio 1985

THE CONSTITUTION OF THE TURKISH REPUBLIC OF NORTHERN CYPRUS, 5 maggio 1985. (omissis) PART I. – GENERAL PROVISIONS Article 1 – The Form and Characteristics of the State: The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is a secular republic based on the principles of supremacy of democracy, social justice and law. (omissis) PART II. – FUNDAMENTAL […]

Costituzione 03 settembre 1992

THE CONSTITUTION OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC, 3 settembre 1992. Article 1 The Slovak Republic is a sovereign, democratic state governed by the rule of law. It is not bound by any ideology or religion. (omissis) Article 12 (1) All human beings are free and equal in dignity and rights. Their fundamental rights and freedoms are […]

Costituzione 01 gennaio 1975

SWEDEN CONSTITUTION – THE INSTRUMENT OF GOVERNMENT, 1° gennaio 1975. CHAPTER 1. Basic principles of the form of government (omissis) Article 2 […] The public institutions shall combat discrimination of persons on grounds of gender, colour, national or ethnic origin, linguistic or religious affiliation, functional disability, sexual orientation, age or other circumstance affecting the private […]

Costituzione 11 giugno 1999, n.731

THE CONSTITUTION OF FINLAND, 11 June 1999. (omissis) CHAPTER 2 – Basic rights and liberties Section 6 – Equality Everyone is equal before the law. No one shall, without an acceptable reason, be treated differently from other persons on the ground of sex, age, origin, language, religion, conviction, opinion, health, disability or other reason that […]

Costituzione 21 settembre 1964

THE CONSTITUTION OF MALTA, 21 settembre 1964. CHAPTER I – The Republic of Malta (omissis) Section 2 (1) The religion of Malta is the Roman Catholic Apostolic Religion. (2) The authorities of the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church have the duty and the right to teach which principles are right and which are wrong. (3) Religious […]

Costituzione 04 luglio 2002

THE CONSTITUTION OF THE KINGDOM OF THE NETHERLANDS, 4 luglio 2002. CHAPTER 1 – Fundamental rights Article 1 All persons in the Netherlands shall be treated equally in equal circumstances. Discrimination on the grounds of religion, belief, political opinion, race or sex or on any other grounds whatsoever shall not be permitted. (Omissis) Article 6 […]

Costituzione 06 luglio 1991

Constitucion politica de Colombia, 6 luglio 1991. PREAMBULO El pueblo de Colombia, en ejercicio de su poder soberano, representado por sus delegatarios a la Asamblea Nacional Constituyente, invocando la protección de Dios, y con el fin de fortalecer la unidad de la Nación y asegurar a sus integrantes la vida, la convivencia, el trabajo, la […]