Osservatorio delle libertà ed istituzioni religiose


Osservatorio delle Libertà ed Istituzioni Religiose

Costituzione 02 febbraio 1993

Constitución del Principado de Andorra (Boletín Oficial del Principado de Andorra, 28 de abril de 1993) PREAMBULO El Pueblo Andorrano, con plena libertad e independencia, y en ejercicio de su propia soberanía, Consciente de la necesidad de adecuar la estructura institucional de Andorra a las nuevas circunstancias que comporta la evolución del entorno geográfico, histórico […]

Costituzione 07 agosto 2008

The Maldives is a unitary, sovereign, independent democratic republic
based on the principles of Islam (art. 2). A non-Muslim may not become
a citizen of the Maldives (art. 9.d). The religion of the State of the
Maldives is Islam. Islam shall be the one of the basis of all the laws
of the Maldives. No law contrary to any tenet of Islam shall be
enacted in the Maldives (art. 10). The Constitution guarantees to all
persons, in a manner that is not contrary to any tenet of Islam, the
rights and freedoms contained within the Chapter II (art. 11).
Everyone is entitled to the rights and freedoms included in the
Chapter II without discrimination of any kind, including race,
national origin, colour, sex, age, mental or physical disability,
political or other opinion, property, birth or other status, or native
island (art. 17). A citizen is free to engage in any conduct or
activity that is not expressly prohibited by Islamic Shari’ah or by
law (art. 19). Everyone has the right to freedom of thought and the
freedom to communicate opinions and expression in a manner that is not
contrary to any tenet of Islam (art. 27). Education shall strive to
inculcate obedience to Islam, instil love for Islam, foster respect
for human rights, and promote understanding, tolerance and friendship
among all people (art. 36.c). No person shall be found guilty of any
act or omission which did not constitute an offence under Islamic
Shari’ah or law at the time committed (art. 59.a). The exercise and
enjoyment of fundamental rights and freedoms is inseparable from the
performance of responsibilities and duties, and it is the
responsibility of every citizen: … (f) to promote democratic values
and practices in a manner that is not inconsistent with any tenet of
Islam;(g) to preserve and protect the State religion of Islam,
culture, language and heritage of the country (art. 67). The
People’s Majlis shall not pass any law that contravenes any tenet of
Islam (art. 70.c). A person elected to be a member of the People’s
Majlis shall be so qualified if he: … 3. is a Muslim and a follower
of a Sunni school of Islam (art. 73). No member or other person shall
be liable to any proceedings in any court, and no person shall be
subject to any inquiry, arrest, detention or prosecution, with respect
to anything said in, produced before, or submitted to the People’s
Majlis or any of its committees, or with respect to any vote given if
the same is not contrary to any tenet of Islam (art. 90.a). The
People’s Majlis, by a resolution, may remove the President or the
Vice President from office only on the grounds of: 1. direct violation
of a tenet of Islam, the Constitution or law (100.a). A person elected
as President shall have the following qualifications: … be a Muslim
and a follower of a Sunni school of Islam (109.b). A person shall be
qualified to be a member of the Cabinet if he: … 3. is a Muslim and
a follower of a Sunni school of Islam (art. 130.a). The Judges are
independent, and subject only to the Constitution and the law. When
deciding matters on which the Constitution or the law is silent,
Judges must consider Islamic Shari’ah (art. 142) and he shall be a
Muslim and a follower of a Sunni school of Islam (art. 149.b.1); a
person appointed to be a Judge of the Supreme Court, must be educated
in Islamic Shari’ah or law (149.c). Members of the security services
shall treat all persons and groups equally without any discrimination,
and with humanity and dignity in accordance with the decorous
principles of Islam (art. 246). In this Constitution, unless the
context otherwise requires, the following words and phrases shall have
the following meanings: “tenet of Islam” means, the Holy Qur’an
and those principles of Shari’ah whose provenance is not in dispute
from among those found in the Sunna of the Noble Prophet, and those
principles derived from these two foundations; “Islamic
Shari’ah” means, the Holy Qur’an and the ways preferred by the
learned people within the community and followers of the Sunnah in
relation to criminal, civil, personal and other matters found in the
Sunna (art. 274).

Costituzione 1982

Costituzione della Repubblica di Turchia (1982). PREAMBLE (As amended on October 17, 2001) In line with the concept of nationalism and the reforms and principles introduced by the founder of the Republic of Turkey, Atatürk, the immortal leader and the unrivalled hero, this Constitution, which affirms the eternal existence of the Turkish nation and motherland […]

Costituzione 07 aprile 2008

Costituzione della Repubblica del Kosovo. 7 aprile 2008. Preamble We, the people of Kosovo, Determined to build a future of Kosovo as a free, democratic and peace-loving country that will be a homeland to all of its citizens; Committed to the creation of a state of free citizens that will guarantee the rights of every […]

Costituzione 22 marzo 2002

Costituzione della Repubblica democratica di Timor Est (Timor Orientale). 22 marzo 2002. PREAMBLE […] In its cultural and humane perspective, the Catholic Church in East Timor has always been able to take on the suffering of all the People with dignity, placing itself on their side in the defence of their most fundamental rights. Ultimately, […]

Costituzione 10 marzo 1987

Costituzione della Repubblica di Haiti, 10 marzo 1987. (omissis) ARTICLE 30: Toutes les religions et tous les cultes sont libres. Toute personne a le droit de professer sa religion et son culte, pourvu que l’exercice de ce droit ne trouble pas l’ordre et la paix publics. ARTICLE 30.1: Nul ne peut être contraint à faire […]

Costituzione 23 settembre 1988

Costituzione della Repubblica delle Isole Fiji. 23 settembre 1988. Preamble WE, THE PEOPLE OF THE FIJI ISLANDS, SEEKING the blessing of God who has always watched over these islands: RECALLING the events in our history that have made us what we are, especially the settlement of these islands by the ancestors of the indigenous Fijian […]

Costituzione 23 maggio 1926

Repubblica del Libano. Costituzione, 23 maggio 1926. Preamble […] b. Lebanon is Arab in its identity and in its association. It is a founding and active member of the League of Arab States and abides by its pacts and covenants. Lebanon is also a founding and active member of the United Nations Organization and abides […]

Costituzione 1998

CONSTITUCIÓN POLÍTICA DE LA REPÚBLICA DEL ECUADOR EL PUEBLO DEL ECUADOR Inspirado en su historia milenaria, en el recuerdo de sus héroes y en el trabajo de hombres y mujeres que, con su sacrificio, forjaron la patria; fiel a los ideales de libertad, igualdad, justicia, progreso, solidaridad, equidad y paz que han guiado sus pasos […]

Costituzione 05 febbraio 1917

Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, aprobada con Ley de 5 de febrero de 1917, que reforma la Constitución de 5 de febrero de 1857. (TEXTO VIGENTE, Ultima reforma aplicada 29/10/2003) Artículo 1. En los Estados Unidos Mexicanos todo individuo gozará de las garantías que otorga esta Constitución, las cuales no podrán restringirse ni […]