Legge 27 novembre 2002, n.3
Legal Act Nr. 3/2002 Coll. of 27th Novembre 2001 on freedom of religious confession and the position of churches and religious societies and on the changes of some legal acts (Law on churches and religious societies)
Parliament has passed the following law of Czech Republic:
Head one
Introductional provisions
Article 1
object of regulation
This law regulates
a) position of churches and religious societies,
b) conduction (administration) of public lists of registered churches and religious societies, unions of
churches and religious societies and church juridical persons,
c) competence (jurisdiction) of Ministry of Culture (hereinafter referred to as “Ministry”) in matters related to the churches and religious societies.
Article 2
Freedom of religious confession
(1) Freedom of thought, conscience and religious confession is guaranteed. Everybody has the right to
profess freely his or her religion or faith either alone or jointly with others, privately or in public, through worship, teaching, religious acts, or through maintaining ritual. Everybody has the right to change his or her religion or faith, or to have no religious confession.
(2) Right of juvenile children to freedom of religious confession or to have no confession is guaranteed.1)
Legal proxies of juvenile children can guide exercising of this right in a way, which is appropriate to the developing abilities of juvenile children.
(3) Nobody must be forced neither (either) to join a church and religious society nor (or) to leave it, to
participate or not to participate in religious acts or acts of church and religious society.
(4) Everybody has right to elect his/her spiritual or monastic status and to decide for the life in communities, orders and similar communions.
(5) Nobody must be curtailed in his/her rights because of his/her espousing to the church and religious
society, participating of its work or supporting it or because of he/she is without any confession.
Article 3
Fundamental terms
For the aims of this legal act it means:
a) church and religious society is a voluntary association of persons with its own structure, bodies, intemal regulations, religious rituals and manifestations of belief, founded with aim to confess certain religious belief, public or private, and especially with it connected assembling, worship, teaching and spiritual service,
a) person espousing to the church and religious society is a person, who according to his/her internal
conviction and internal regulations of church and religious society belongs to it.
b) personal data are first name and surname, in case of citizens of Czech Republic its birth registration
number and in the case of foreigners data on their citizenship and number of residence permit card 2),
unless the international treaty, which is binding for Czech Republic, lays down other,
c) seat of registered church and religious society, union of churches and religious societies and church
juridical person, address of central office of registered church and religious society, union of churches and religious societies and church juridical person on territory of Czech Republic.
Head two
Churches and religious societies
Article 4
Position of churches and religious societies
(1) Church and religious society is formed by voluntary associating of natural persons and independently decides on matters related to professing of belief, on organization of religious community and on founding institutions designated to it.
(2) State, regions and municipalities cannot provide religious or anti-religious activities.
(3) Churches and religious societies administer their own affairs, especially they establish and abolish their bodies, appoint and remove their churchmen, and establish and abolish church or other institutions
according to their internal regulations independently from the State administration bodies.3)
(4) Church and religious society may not use name, which can make it, according to the name,
interchangeable with registered church or religious society.
Article 5
Conditions of establishing and operating of churches and religious societies.
Church and religious society cannot be established and cannot operate, which activities are at variance with this legal acts, which teaching or activities pose a threat to rights, freedoms and equality of citizens and their associations including other churches and religious societies, which pose a threat to democratic grounds of state, it souvereignity, independence and territorial unity and
a) is in conflict with protection of public morality, public order, public health, principles of humanity and tolerance and safety of citizens,
b) contests or curtails personal, political or other rights of natural persons because of its nationality, sex, race, origin, political or other conviction, religious confession or social status, inflames hatred and intolerance from these reasons, supports acts of violence or violating of legal acts,
a) curtail personal freedom, especially through using psychical or psychological pressure to make
dependence, which leads to physical, psychological or economical hurting of these persons and their family members, to hurting of thier social relationships including curtailing of psychological development of juvenile and curtailing of their right to education4), bar juvenile to take health care appropriated to their health needs, or
a) is restricted as a whole or in some parts, as well as organization structure of the church and religious
society and relations to foreign parts, if it is a part of church or religious society operating out of territory of the Czech Republic
Article 6
Registered churches and religious societies
(1) Church and religious society becomes juridical person by registration (hereinafter referred to as
“registered church and religious society”) according to this law, unless this law lays down other.
(2) Registered church and religious society can propose for registering a body of church and religious society or monastic or other church institution 3) established within church and religious society according to their internal regulations with the aim of organizing, confessing and spreading of religious belief as juridical person according to this legal act (hereinafter referred to as “church juridical person”).
(3) Registered church and religious society can with the aim of fulfiling its mission especially
a) teach and train its clergyman and laicism workers in own schools and other institutions as well as on
Theological Universities and theological faculties under the conditions according to the special legal acts, 5)
b) acquire authorisation to execution special rights according to this legal act.
Article 7
Special rights of registered churches and religious societies
(1) Registered church and religious society can under conditions set by this law for fulfilling its mission
acquire authorization to execution these special rights:
a) to teach religion on state schools according to the special legal act 4),
b) to charge persons executing spiritual servicies with execution spiritual servicies in military forces of
Czech Republic, in areas, in which is serving custody or imprisonment, preventive cure and social retraining,
c) to be financed according to the special legal act on economical security of churches and religious
societies. 6)
d) to celebrate rites, by which church weddings are solemnized according to the special legal act. 7)
e) to found church schools according to the special legal act. 4)
f) to observe obligation of non-disclosure of clergyman in relation to practice of the seal of confession or to
practice of right, which is similar to the seal of confession, if this obligation is traditional part of teching of church and religious society at least 50 years; by this is not offended the duty to break crime imposed by special legal act. 8)
(2) Execution of special rights according to the paragraph 1
lit. a) –
e) is arranged by special legal acts. 9)
(3) Registered church and religious society with authorization to execution of special rights publish each year
annual report on execution of rights according to the paragraph 1 lit. a) – e).
Article 8
Union of churches and religious societies
(1) To execute right of religious freedom according to this legal act registred churches and religious societies
may found union of churches and religious societies.
(2) Members of union of churches and religious societies can only be registered churches and religious
(3) Union of churches and religious societies cannot propose for registering church juridical person.
Head three
Registration of church and religious society, union of churches
and religious society and authorisation to execute special rights.
Article 9
Common provisions on registration
(1) Proposal for registration of church and religious society, union of churches and religious societies and proposal for adjudication of authorization to execution of special rights are submited to Ministry by person or body according to this legal act.
(2) Church and religious society or union of churches or religious societies are registered and registered
church and religious society is adjudicated authorization to execution of special rights by the day, in which decision on registration of church and religious society or on adjudication of authorization of execution of special rights to registered church and religious society issued by Ministry comes into legal force.
Article 10
Proposal for registration of church and religious society
(1) Proposal for registration of church and religious society shall be submitted to Ministry by at least three physical persons, who attained the age of 18th years, have legal capacity and are citizens of Czech Republic or foreigners with permanent residence in Czech Republic (hereinafter referred to as “preparatory board”).
Members of preparatory board sign proposal and give personal data. Preparatory board appoint in
proposal, which member is authorized to act on preparatory board’s name. Signatures of members of
preparatory board must be authenticated. 10)
(2) Proposal for registration of church and religious society must involve
a) basic characteristic of church and religious society, its teaching and mission,
b) record of establishment of church and religious society on territory of Czech Republic.
c) original signatures of 300 full age ciztizens of Czech Republic or foreigners with permanent residence in Czech Republic espousing to this church and religious society, with giving their personal data acording to
this act and with giving the same text on each attendance list, which content full name of church and
religious society, which takes signatures for purpose of registration, and from which it is evident, that the attendance list is signed only by the person, who is espousing to this church and religious society.
d) basic document of church and religious society.
(3) Basic document of church and religious society must involve
a) name of church and religious society, which must be distincted from the name of juridical person, which has already operated on territory or which has already proposed for registration,
b) mission of church and religious society and fundamental articles of their belief,
c) Seat of church and religious society,
d) appointment of body of the church and religious society, which acts on behalf of its name on territory of
the Czech Republic, introduction of its establishing and removal, term of office of its members and definition
of its power, in which it acts and performs legal actions on behalf of name of church or religious society, and
if and in which amount can other persons performs legal acts on behalf of church and religious society,
e) personal data of members of body according to the lit. d), if they are authorized representatives in the
time of submission of proposal appointed,
f) organization structure of church and religious society, types of bodies and other institutions of church
and religious society with appointing of those, which have to be church juridical persons, separately from those, which become juridical persons according to the special legal act, if they are appointed in basic document, way of their establishing and abolishing including appointment of legal successor in the case of termination, appointment of their authorized representatives including way of their creation or removal, term of their office and definition if and in which amount can other persons represent their.
g) way of appointment and removal of clergymen,
h) way of approving of basic document and its changes,
i) integration of church and religious society into the structures of church and religious society out of
territory of Czech Republic,
j) principles of management of church and religious society, especially the way of acquiring financial
means, icluding amount of authorization of persons, bodies and other institutions of church and religious society to disposing of property,
k) way of disposition of liquidation balance, which results from liquidation of church and religious society,
l) rights and duties of persons espousing to the church and religious society.
(4) On behalf of church and religious society preparatory body acts until their bodies are established
according to the paragraph 3 lit. d)
(5) If in the time of submission of proposal of registration of church and religious society members of the body are not appointed according to the paragraph 3 lit. d), church and religious society will announce their personal data not later than in 10 days after their appointment.
Article 11
Proposal for authorization of execution of special rights
(1) Proposal for authorization of execution of special rights can submit registered church and religious
society, which
a) is registered according to this legal act continuously to the date of submission of proposal at least 10
b) published each year 10 years before submission of this proposal annual reports of its activities for
calendar year,
c) fulfil duly their obligation to the state 12) and to the third persons.
(2) Proposal for authorization of execution of special rights submits body of registered church and religious
(3) Proposal for authorization of execution of special rights can be submitted either for execution of all
special rights according to the article 7 par. 1 nor only for execution of special rights according to the article 7
par. 1 lit. a) – e).
(4) Proposal for authorization of execution of special rights according to the article 7 par. 1 lit. a) – e) must involve
a) original of signatures of as many full age citizens of the Czech Republic or foreigners with permanent
residence on territory of the Czech Republic espousing to this church and religious society, as is 1 per
thousand of inhabitants od the Czech Republic according to the last counting of people 13), with involving of their personal data according to this legal act and with involving of the same text on each attendance list, which includes full name of the church and religious society, which take signatures for the aim of its registration, and from which it is evident, that attendance list is signed only by person, who espouses to the church and religious society. 11)
b) declaration, that their recent activities as juridical persons according to this legal act are not in conflict with the conditions determined by this legal act and that they meet the conditions according to the paragraph 1 lit. c)
c) texts of annual reports according to the paragraph 1 lit. b) and financial statements for the time of 10
years before the submission of this proposal.
(5) Proposal for authorization of execution of all special rights according to the article 7 par. 1 must involve
elements according to the paragraph 4 and document which comfirms, that the obligation of duty of nondisclosure
of clergymen in connection to the execution of the seal of confession or to practice of right, which
is similar to the seal of confession is traditional part of teaching of church and religious society at least for 50 years.
Article 12
Proposal for registration of union of churches and religious societies
(1) Proposal for registration of union of churches and religious societies must involve
a) name of union of churches and religious societies, which must be be distincted from the name of
juridical person, which has already operated on territory or which has already applied for registration,
b) seat of union of churches and religious societies,
c) written agreement of association concluded by foundating churches and religious societies, in which are given their names and seats,
d) constitution of union, in which are specified object of activities of union of churches and religious
societies, arrangement of property relations, creation and abolishment of membership, rights and duties of members, authorized representative of union of churches and religious societies and other bodies of union, term of office of members of its bodies, way of their creation and amount of their power to act on behalf of union, way of abolishhing of union and way of disposition of liquidation balance,
e) personal data of persons authorized to act on behalf of it before the bodies of union will be created
(hereinafter referred to as “preparatory board of union”) and appointment, who of its members is authorized
to act on behalf of the preparatory board of union.
(2) Written agreement of association on establishing of union of churches and religious societies must be given in the form of notarial deed.
(3) Proposal for registration of union of churches and religious societies submits preparatory board of union.
Signature of members of preparatory board of union must be authenticated. 10)
Article 13
Completing of proposals for registration of church and religious society, union of churches and religious
societies and for authorization of execution of special rights
(1) If proposal for registration of church and religious society for registration of their unions and proposal for
authorization of execution of special rights does not contain all elements according to this legal act, Ministry will determine deadline to completion of data, which last at least 1 mounth from delivery of notice.
(2) Notice according to the par. 1 will be delivered
a) in the case of proceeding of registration of church and religious society and of registration of union of churches and religious societies in own hand of authorized person of preparatory board or preparatory board of union,
b) in the case od proceeding of authorization of execution of special rights to body of registered church and
religious society.
(3) If proponent does not complete data in determined deadline, Ministry will suspend proceeding.
Article 14
Procedure of Ministry
(1) Ministry in proceeding of registration of church and religious society, union of churches and religious
societies or in proceeding of authorization of execution of special rights of registered churches and religious societies according to the article 11 par. 3 (hereinafter referred to as “proposal for registration”) checks on
a) if the proposal for registration is submitted by person , who accomplish conditions defined by this legal act,
b) if the proposal for registration fulfil all elements defined by this legal act,
c) in the case of proceeding of registration of church and religious society and of proceeding of
authorization of execution of special rights if activities of church and religious society are not in conflict with their basic document and with conditions defined by this legal act.
(2) If data in proposal for registration according to the paragraph 1 accomplished to the real status of matter and if the conditions according to the paragraph 1 are satisfied, Ministry will decide, that church or religious society is registered or that the union of churches or religious societies is registered or that it is authorized to execution of special rights.
(3) If data in proposal for registration according to the paragraph 1 do not accomplish to the real status of matter or if the conditions according to the paragraph 1 aren’t satisfied, Ministry will decide, that registration of church and religious society or registration of their union or authorization of execution of special rights according to the article 11 par. 3 is dismissed.
(4) Ministry will record registration of church and religious society and authorization of execution of special rights to the Register of registrated churches and religious societies to the date, in which decision on registration comes into legal force.
(5) Ministry will record registration of union of churches and religious societies to the Register of unions of churches and religious societies by the date, in which decision on registration comes into legal force.
(6) Decision on
a) registration of church and religious society and on registration of union of churches and religious
societies are delivered in own hand of authorized person of preparatory board or preparatory board of union,
b) authorization of execution of special rights is delivered to body of registered church and religious society.
Article 15
Registration of changes
(1) Registration is also necessary to changes of basic document of church and religious society, to changes of agreement of association of union of churches and religious societies, its name, seat and constitution.
Proposal for registration of changes submits to Ministry church and religious society and union of churches and religious societies in 10 days from the day, in which change was done.
(2) Proposal for changes of basic document of church and religious society and for changes of agreement of association of union of churches and religious societies must involve full text of these parts of text, which are related to the changes.
(3) Registration is not needed for changes in members of bodies of registered church and religious society,
authorized representatives of union of churches and religious societies, and changes of personal data of members of their bodies and authorized representatives. Ministry records these changes according to the paragraph 5.
(4) Changes according to the paragraph 3 the body of registered church and religious society and authorized representative of union of churches and religious societies, included documents about appointing these persons by proper body according to the internal regulations of church or religious society is obliged to announce to Ministry in 10 days from the day, in which change was done.
(5) Ministry will execute record about change according to the paragraph 3 in 5 working days from the day, in which was delivered full application for changes of data in Register of registered churches and religious societies or in Register of unions of churches and religious societies. In the case, that the application for execution of change according to the paragraph 3 is not complete, Ministry will notice within 5 working days in written form body of church, religious society or authorized representative of union of churches and
religious societies to complete data in 10 day from delivering of this notice.
Head four
Church juridical persons
Article 16
Evidence of church juridical persons
(1) Proposal for records of body of registered church and religious society or monastic or other church
institution as church juridical person submits body of registered church and religious society appointed to do it by basic document presented according to the article 10 paragraph 3.
(2) Proposal for records of juridical person according to the paragraph 1 must included:
a) document about its foundation by competent body of registered church and religious society according to its basic document,
b) determination of object of its activity and its constitution, if they exist,
c) its name, which must be different from the name of juridical person, which operates on territory of Czech Republic, or which has already applied for registration,
d) its seat on territory of Czech Republic,
e) appointment of members of its authorised representative on territory of Czech Republic,
f) personal data of members of its authorised representative.
(3) Proposal according to the paragraph 1 registered church and religious society submits within 10 days from the day of foundation of church juridical person. Ministry executes records of church juridical person by record in Register of church juridical persons within 5 working days from the day of delivery of proposal.
Records will be executed to the day of its foundation in registered church and religious society.
(4) If registered church and religious society will not keep to the time-limit according to the paragraph 3, records will be executed to the day of delivery of proposal according to the paragraph 1 to the Ministry.
(5) If the proposal according to the paragraph 1 does not fulfil elements according to the paragraph 2,
Ministry will notice within 10 working days from the day of delivery of proposal the body of registered church and religious society, competent to its submission, to complete it, eventually to remove insufficiencies, within 30 days, and will notify, that if this time-limit will not be kept, proceeding on proposal will be suspended.
Head V
Registers of registered churches and religious societies, unions of churches and religious societies and church juridical persons
Article 17
Common provisions about Registers of registered churches and religious societies, unions of churches and religious societies and church juridical persons
(1) Ministry administers Register of registered churches and religious societies, Register of unions of
churches and religious societies and Register of church juridical persons, in which are recorded data
derermineted by this legal act and which component part is collection of documents submitted by church and religious societies and unions of churches and religious societies according to this legal act.
(2) Registers according to the paragraph 1 are public lists except data about address of place of permanent residence of natural persons and its bitth registration numbers, or about their citizenship and number of card of residence permit of foreigners and except of bills according to the article 10 paragraph 2 lit. c) and according to the article 11 paragraph 4 lit. a).
(3) Everybody has the right to see Registers according to the paragraph 1 in its part, which is a public list, and has the right to make copies of an entry or copies of records. Against written statement can be issued from public part of Registers formal copy of records, copy of an entry or confirmation about specific record, or that some records are not in them. From non-public part of Registers can be such a document issued only if petitioner will prove legal interest.
(4) Facts recorded in Registers according to the paragraph 1 are effective to everybody from the day of their recording. Against that person, who acts in good faith to the record in Registers, that person, who is the subject of the record, cannot object, that the record does not correspond to reality.
(5) Record to the Registers according to the paragraph 1 about facts, on which Ministry issues decision, will Ministry do by the day, in which decision came into legal force. Records and its changes, on which Ministry does not issue decision, will Ministry do by the day determined by this legal act.
(6) Registration number is assigned by Ministry 15) to registered church and religious society, union of
churches and religious societies and to church juridical persons with the record of these juridical persons to the Registers according to the paragraph 1.
Article 18
Register of registered churches and religious societies
(1) In Register of registered churches and religious societies following data and their changes are recorded:
a) name and seat of registered church and religious society and date and number of registration,
b) name and seat of body of registered church and religious society according to the article 10 paragraph 3 lit. d),
c) personal data of members of body according to the article 10 paragraph 3 lit. d),
d) registration number of registered church and religious society,
e) acquisition of authorisation to execution special rights with giving the day and number of registration with denotation, if registered church or religious society acquired all special rights according to the article 7 paragraph 1 or special rights according to the article 7 paragraph 1 lit. a) – e),
f) abolishment of registration of church and religious society, entering the commencement of liquidation and personal data of liquidator, adjudication of bankruptcy and personal data of trustee in bankruptcy, dismission of proposal to adjudication of bankruptcy for the lack of estate and beginning of proceeding of composition with giving a day and number of decision on these facts, termination of existence of registered church and religious society,
g) identifying data of legal successor of church and religious society, if they were abolished with legal
(2) Component part of Register according to paragraph 1 is collection of documents, which includes
documents submitted together with proposal for registration of church and religious society, with proposal for adjudication of authorization to execution of special rights, with proposals for change of these documents and decissions of the Ministry.
Article 19
Register of union of churches and religious societies
(1) In Register of unions of churches and religious societies following data and their changes are recorded:
a) name and seat of union of churches and religious societies with giving of date and number of
b) names of members of union of church and religious societies and their seats,
c) name and seat of authorized representatives of union of churches and religious societies
d) personal data of members of authorized representative of union of churches and religious societies,
e) registration number of union of churches and religious societies,
f) abolishment of registration of union of churches and religious societies, entering the commencement of liquidation and personal data of liquidator, adjudication of bankruptcy and personal data of trustee in bankruptcy, dismission of proposal to adjudication of bankruptcy for the lack of estate and beginning of proceeding of composition with giving a day and number of decision on these facts.
g) identifying data of legal successor of union of churches and religious societies, if it was abolished with legal successor.
(2) Component part of Register of union of churches and religious societies is collection of documents, which involves documents submited with proposal for registration of union of churches and religious societies, with proposals for change of these documents and decissions of the Ministry.
Article 20
Register of church juridical persons
(1) In Register of church juridical persons are recorded these data and their changes:
a) name of church juridical person with giving of date and number of registration,
b) seat of church juridical person in territory of Czech Republic,
c) designation of authorized representative of church juridical person,
d) personal data of members of authorized representative of church juridical person,
e) registration number of church juridical person,
) abolishment of records of church juridical person, entering the commencement of liquidation and
personal data of liquidator, adjudication of bankruptcy and personal data of trustee in bankruptcy, dismission of proposal to adjudication of bankruptcy for the lack of estate and beginning of proceeding of composition with giving a day and number of decision on these facts.
g) identification data of legal successor of church juridical person, if it was abolished with legal successor,
h) termination of existence of church juridical person.
(2) Component part of Register of church juridical persons is collection of documents, which includes
documents submitted with proposal for records of church juridical person and with proposals for change of these documents.
(3) Data according to paragraph 1 lit. d) and their changes will be under the application of registered church and religious society replaced by designation of body of church and religious society, which administers these data and their changes and which is obliged to apply provision of article 17 accordingly in administration of these part of Register of church juridical persons.
Head VI
Abolishment and termination of existence of registered church and religious society, union of churches and religious societies and church juridical person, abolishment of authorisation of registered church and religious society to execution of special rights
Article 21
Abolishment of authorisation to execution of special rights
(1) Ministry begins proceeding of abolishment of authorisation to execution of special rights
a) if registered church and religious society violates by serious manner or repeatedly obligations to the
state or to third persons,
b) if registered church and religious society does not publish each year annual report according to the
article 7 paragraph 3, or
c) under inducement of body of state administration according to its authorization given by special legal act, in which it is proved serious or repeated violation of duties for operation of registered church and religious society according to the special legal act or to the agreement with this body of state administration.
(2) Ministry will discontinue proceeding of abolishment of authorization to execution of special rights of registered church and religious society according to the paragraph 1, if the reason of proceeding was
terminated, or if registered church and religious society will prove in written form, that by procedure proposed by them the reason of procedure will be in reasonable time eliminated with agreement of those persons, who were affected by conduct, which leaded to beginning of proceeding of abolishment of authorization to execution of special rights.
(3) Decision of Ministry on abolishment of authorization to execution of special rights of registered church and religious society concerns all special rights according to the article 7 paragraph 1.
(4) Decision of Ministry on abolishment of authorization to execution of special rights of registered church and religious society, which came into legal force, will be sent by Ministry to Ministry of the Interior to be noted.
Article 22
Abolishment of registration of church and religious society and of union of churches and religious societies
(1) Ministry will begin proceeding of abolishment of registration of church and religious society or proceeding of abolishment of union of churches and religious societies
a) based on application of registered church and religious society for abolishment of its registration or
based on application of union of churches and religious societies for abolishment of its registration,
b) in the case of cancellation of the bankruptcy proceedings as a result of the compliance with the
resolution to distribute the estate or of cancellation of the bankruptcy proceedings becuase of estate of
church and religious society or of union of churches and religious societies is not sufficient to cover the
expenses of bankruptcy proceedings or in the case of dismission of proposal to adjudication of bankruptcy for the lack of estate,
c) if registrated church and religious society or union of churches and religious societies develop activity in contrary to legal order,
d) if bodies of registered church and religious societies or authorized representatives of union of churches and religious societies were not established longer than 2 years, or if term of office of the recent bodies or authorized representatives finished before more than 2 years and new ones were not established.
(2) In the case of activity introduced in paragraph 1 lit. c), the Ministry will notice registred church and
religious society or union of churches and religious societies before the beginning of proceedings, to refrain from notified activity in reasonable time. If registered church and religious society or union of churches and religious societies carry on with the activity, Ministry will begin the proceedings of abolishment of registration.
(3) Similarly as in paragraph 2 the Ministry carry on, if status according to the paragraph 1 lit. d) becomes.
Article 23
Procedure according to the special legal acts
In case of liquidation of registered church and religious society or of union of churches and religious societies or of church juridical person according to this legal act special legal act will be used accordingly, 16) unless this law stipulates otherwise.
Article 24
Method of abolishment of registered church and religious society and union of churches and religious
(1) Registration of church and religious societies or of union of churches and religious societies is abolished by the day, on which the decision of abolishment of their registration came into legal force.
(2) After the abolishment of registration of church and religious society liquidation must be carry out and liquidation of all its recorded church juridical persons, unless these law stipulates otherwise.
(3) Abolishment with liquidation is not required only then, if the abolishment of church and religious society according to the article 22 paragraph 1 lit. a) and the devolution of all its rights and obligations and of rights and obligations of its recorded church juridical persons is probatively proved by obligation in writing of other registered church and religious society about assumption of all these rights and obligations.
(4) After the abolishment of registration of union of churches and religious societies follows its liquidation, which is not required, if the abolishment of registration according to the article 22 paragraph 1 lit. a) and devolution of all rights and obligations of union of churches and religious societies, which registration was
abolished, is probatively proved by obligation in writing of other registered union of churches and religious societies on assumption of all these rights and obligations.
(5) Within 5 working days from the finishing of liquidation, liquidator will announce this fact to the Ministry.
(6) Liquidation balance from liquidation according to the paragraph 2 devolves to other registered church and religious society determinated in basic document. If basic document does not involve these determination or if the registration of so determined church or religious society was abolished or if the registered church and religious society refused the liquidation balance, devolves liquidation balance on state, which must use it for the benefit of registered churches and religious societies.
Article 25
Termination of existence of registered church and religious society or of union of churches and religioussocieties
(1) Registered church and religious society or union of churches and religious societies terminates its
existence as juridical person by the day of its erasure from Registers according to the article 18 paragraph 1 lit. f) and article 19 paragraph 1 lit. f) of this legal act.
(2) Ministry will make erasure according to the former paragraph within 5 working days from notifiction of finishing of liquidation by liquidator or by the day, in which the decision on abolishment of registration came into legal force, if the liquidation according to these legal act does not follow.
Article 26
Abolishment of records of church juridical person and termination of its existence
(1) Ministry will abolish records of church juridical person
a) on proposal of registered church and religious societies in 5 working days from the day of delivery of this proposal,
b) under its own inducement, if ascertains, that church juridical person conducts in contrary to its
competence determinated in proposal for records according to the article 15 paragraph 4 or in contrary with legal acts and if competent body of registered church and religious society does not make correction after the notification of Ministry, by the day, in which the decision of abolishment of records came into legal force.
c) under its own inducement, if the registration of church and religious society was terminated, which
proposes the church juridical person to record, by the day, in which the decision of abolishment of
registration of church and religious society came into legal force according to the article 24 paragraph 3,
d) If on estate of church juridical person was adjudicated bankruptcy, in the case of cancellation of the
bankruptcy proceedings as a result of the compliance with the resolution to distribute the estate or of
cancellation of the bankruptcy proceedings because of its estate is not sufficient to cover expenses of
bankruptcy proceedings or in the case of dismission of proposal to adjudication of bankruptcy for the lack of estate.
(2) Church juridical person terminates its existence by erasure from Register of church juridical persons.
(3) Termination of existence of church juridical person anticipates its abolishment with liquidation or
abolishment without liquidation, if its estate and obligations devolve on church and religious society or its other church juridical person.
(4) If the estate of church juridical person in liquidation is not sufficient to cover obligations, the church and religious society, which proposes it for liquidation, guarantees these obligations.
(5) If church juridical person terminates its existence without liquidation and if the proposal for adjudication of its bankruptcy is not submitted, the date of its abolishment is the same as the date of its erasure from the Register of church juridical persons.
Head VII
Common, transitional, delegating and final provisions
Article 27
Common provisions
(1) For proceedings according to this legal act are valid common legal acts about administrative proceedings 17), unless this legal act stipulates otherwise.
(2) Proposals according to this legal act are submitted in written form in two copies.
(3) Proposals according to this legal act are submitted in Czech language. Documents in other than Czech language must be translated into Czech language and authenticated, unless the international treaty, which is obligatory for Czech Republic, stipulates otherwise.
(4) Incomes of church and religious society are especially
a) contributions from natural and juridical persons,
b) incomes from sale and lease of movable, immovable and immaterial property of church and religious
c) interests on deposits,
d) donations and inheritance,
e) collections and contributions from the part of proceeds according to the special legal act, 18)
f) loans and credits,
g) incomes from business or from other gainful activity,
h) subsidies.
(5) Object of business and other gainful activity must be defined in basic document of registered church and religious society. Business and other gainful activity of church and religious society can be only its
complementary gainful activity and gained profits can be used only to fulfilment of aims of activity of church and religious society.
(6) Church and religious society keep accounts according to the special legal acts. 14)
(7) Ministry can assign registration number only to the juridical persons according to this legal act.
Assignation and abolishment of registration numbers follows by special legal act. 15)
(8) Ministry can with consent of government make exception and ajudicates authorization to execution of special rights according to the article 7 paragraph 1 to the churches and religious societies, which represent important world religion with long historic tradition, which operate on territory of the Czech Republic and which are registered according to this legal act. In this case fulfilment of conditions according to the article 11 paragraph 1 and 4 is not required. Proposal for adjudication of authorization to execution of special rights can submit registered church and religious society, which fulfil obligations to state and third persons properly.
Exception according to this paragraph can be adjudicated only within 5 years from the day, in which this law comes into effect.
(9) Ministry will announce to Czech Statistic Office data about recorded juridical persons not later than within 30 working days from making of record into Register according to the paragraph 1 in amount of data indispensable necessary for administration of statistic registers.
Article 28
Transitional provisions
(1) Churches and religious societies, which by the day, in which this law comes into effect operate their
activity as registered from legal act, are considered as registered according to this legal act. Its list is
introduced in Appendix to this legal act. Amount of authorization to execution special rights according to the article 7 paragraph 1, which has these churches and religious societies by the day, in which this legal act comes into force, remains preserved.
(2) To the time of passage of the special rights according to the article 7 paragraph 2 special rights can be executed according to the recent legal acts. Agreements on execution of these rights of registered churches and religious societies concluded before the this legal act comes into force remain to that time valid.
(3) Church juridical persons recorded to the day, in which this law comes into effect, are considered as
recorded according to this legal act. Date of their records according to the recent legal acts remains.
(4) Registered churches and religious societies according to the paragraph 1 are obliged in the time of 1 year from the day, in which this law comes into force, to complete to Ministry data according to this legal act to their registration or records. If registered church and religious society does not complete these data, Ministry will notify it to complete data in time at least 30 days from the day of delivery of notification. If registered church and religious society does not complete data in this time, Ministry according to the character of non-completed data can begin the proceedings on abolishment of its registration.
(5) Registered church and religious society is obligated in time of 1 year from the day, in which this law come into force, to complete data about recorded church juridical persons according to this legal act by body, which is determinated to do it by its basic document. If data about church juridical person are not completed in this time, Ministry will notify registered church and religious society to complete data in time at least 30
days from the day of delivery of notification. If registered church and religious society does not complete data in this time, Ministry according to the character of non-completed data can abolish record of church juridical person. In the case of church juridical persons, which exist more than 50 years, document about its foundation according to the article 16 paragraph 2 lit. a) of this legal act can be replaced by affirmation of competent church and religious society.
(6) Ministry will make into 2 years from the day, in which this legal act comes into force, control of assigned registration numbers of juridical persons according to this legal act and in this time will secure its assignation or change in compliance with special legal regulation. 15)
Article 29
Delegating provisions
Ministry determines by executive regulation particulars and conditions for administration of Register of
registered churches and religious societies, Register of unions of churches and religious societies and
Register of church juridical persons and all forms of entry for registration or records according to this legal act.
Article 30
Repealing provisions
Repealed are:
1. Legal Act Nr. 308/1991 Coll., on freedom of religious faith and the position of churches and religious societies
2. Legal Act Nr. 161/1992 Coll., on registration of churches and religious societies.
Article 31
In article 10 paragraph 1 of legal act Nr. 564/1990 Coll, on state administration and self-administration in system of education, in expression of legal act Nr. 132/2000 Coll, is after the word “established” inserted word “registered”, word “communities” is replaced with word “societies” and after the word “societies” is inserted comma and words “to which were adjudicated authorization to execution of special rights,”.
Article 32
In article 20 paragraph 3 of legal act Nr. 169/1999 Coll., on serving of imprisonment, is after the word
“societies” inserted comma and words “to which were adjudicated authorization to execution of special
Article 33
In article 15 paragraph 2 legal act Nr. 293/1993 Coll., in expression of legal act Nr. 208/2000 Coll., is after the word “societies” inserted comma and words “to which were adjudicated authorization to execution of special rights,”.
Footnote Nr. 5) is: “5) Legal act Nr. 3/2002 Coll., on the freedom of religious confession and the position of churches and religious societies and on the changes of some legal acts (Law on churches and religious societies). Article 91 of legal act Nr. 100/1988 Coll., on social security, in expression of legal act Nr. 180/1990 Coll.”.
Article 34
Legal act Nr. 218/1949 Coll., on economic security of churches and religious societies by the state, in
expression of legal act Nr. 88/1950 Coll., legal act Nr. 16/1990 Coll., legal act Nr. 165/1992 Coll. and legal act Nr. 552/1992 Coll., is changed in this way:
1. In article 1 paragraph 1 is after the word “societies” inserted comma and words “to which were
adjudicated authorization to execution of special rights,”.
2. Footnote Nr. 1) is: “1) Legal act Nr. 3/2002 Coll., on the freedom of religious confession and the position of churches and religious societies and on the changes of some legal acts (Law on churches and religious societies).”.
3. In article 8 paragraph 1 is after the word “societies” inserted comma and words “to which were
adjudicated authorization to execution of special rights,”.
Article 35
In article 168 of legal act Nr. 140/1961 Coll., Penal Code, in expression legal act Nr. 45/1973 Coll., legal act Nr. 175/1990 Coll., legal act Nr. 545/1990 Coll., legal act Nr. 290/1993 Coll., legal act Nr. 38/1994 Coll., legal act Nr. 152/1995 Coll., legal act Nr. 148/1998 Coll. a legal act Nr. 210/1999 Coll. is in the end of paragraph 3 amended this sentence: “Duty to inform does not have also churchman of registered church and religious society with authorization to execution of special rights, if he gets wise to commission of a crime in relation to practice of the seal of confession or to practice of right, which is similar to the seal of confession.”.
Article 36
This legal act comes into force by the day of promulgation.
Klaus, signed in my own hand.
Zeman, signed in my own hand.
Appendix to Act Nr. 3/2002 Coll.
List of churches and religious societies in Czech Republic:
1) Apostolic Church
2) Brothers Baptist Union
3) Church of_the Seventh-day Adventists
4) Brethren Church
5) Czechoslovak Hussite Church
6) Church of Jesus Christ of Later-day Saints
7) Greek Catholic Church
8) Roman Catholic Church
9) Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren
10)Evangelical Church of Augsburg Confession in the Czech Republic
11)United Methodist Church
12)Federation of Jewish Communities in the Czech Republic
13)Unity od Brethren
14)Christian’s communities
15)Luther Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in the Czech Republic
16)Religious Society in the Czech Unitariands
17)Religious society of Jehovah’s Witnesses
18)New Apostolic Church in the Czech Republic
19)Orthodox Czechoslovak Church
20)Silesian Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession
21)Old Catholic Church in the Czech Republic
1) Nr. 104/1991 Coll., on Agreement on rights of children
2) Legal act Nr. 326/1999 Coll., on residence of foreigners in territory of Czech republic and on change of some acts, in expression of following acts.
3) Article 16 par. 2 of Charter of fundamental rights and freedoms
4) Legal act Nr. 29/1984 Coll, on system of basic and high schools and higher specialist schools (Act on schools), in expression of following acts.
5) Legal act Nr. 29/1984 Coll., legal act Nr. 111/1998 Coll., on Universities and on change of some acts, in expression of following acts.
6) Legal act Nr. 219/1949 Coll., on economic security of churches and religious societies by state, in
expression of following acts.
7) Legal act Nr. 94/1963, Coll., on family, in expression of following acts.
8) Article 167 of Criminal Code.
9) For example legal act Nr. 94/1963 Coll., legal act Nr. 29/1984 Coll., legal act Nr. 564/1990 Coll., on state administration and self-administration, in expression of following acts, legal act Nr. 293/1993 Coll., on execution of retention, legal act Nr. 169/1999 Coll., on execution of imprisonment and on change of related acts, in expression of legal act Nr. 359/1999 Coll., legal act Nr. 220/1999 Coll., on operation of fundamental and substitutional military service and military training and about some legal relations of soldiers in service, legal act Nr. 221/1999 Coll., on professional soldiers, in expression of legal act Nr. 155/2000 Coll.
10) Legal act Nr. 41/1993 Coll., on authentication of conformity with copies of an entry or copies with lits and on authentication of signature by municipal bodies and on issuing of confirmations by municipal bodies and
by district bodies, in expression of following legal acts; Legal act Nr. 358/1992 Coll, on notaries and their operation (code of notarial practice), in expression of following legal acts.
11) Legal act Nr. 85/1990 Coll., on the right on petition.
12) For example legal act Nr. 337/1992 Coll., on administration of taxies and fees, in expression of following
legal acts.
13) Legal act Nr. 158/1999 Coll., on counting of people, houses and flats in year 2001.
14) Legal act Nr. 563/1991 Coll., on accounting, in expression of following legal acts.
15) Article 22 paragraph 1 lit. d) of legal act Nr. 89/1995 Coll., on state statistic service, in expression of following legal acts.
16) Legal act Nr. 513/1991 Coll., Commercial Code, in expression of following legal acts.
17) Legal act Nr. 71/1967 Coll., on administrative proceedings (administrative Code), in expression of
following legal acts.
18) Legal act Nr. 37/1973 Coll., on public collections and on loteries and other similar games, in expression of following legal acts. (This legal act was repealed by the legal act Nr. 117/2001 Coll., on public collections and on change of some legal acts (legal act on public collections), in force from 1st of July 2001 – note of translator)
Libertà religiosa
Repubblica Ceca
Parole chiave:
Ministri di culto, Libertà di culto, Divieto di discriminazione, Libertà religiosa, Diritti umani, Confessioni riconosciute, Confessioni registrate