Osservatorio delle libertà ed istituzioni religiose


Osservatorio delle Libertà ed Istituzioni Religiose

Documenti • 10 Febbraio 2005

Costituzione 20 agosto 1949

Costituzione, 20 agosto 1949, così come emendata da ultimo nel 1989.


Art. 60

1. In the Republic of Hungary everyone has the right to freedom of thought, freedom of conscience and freedom of religion.
2. This right shall include the free choice or acceptance of a religion or belief, and the freedom to publicly or privately express or decline to express, exercise and teach such religions and beliefs by way of religious actions, rites or in any other way, either individually or in a group.
3. The church and the State shall operate in separation in the Republic of Hungary.
4. A majority of two-thirds of the votes of the Members of Parliament present is required to pass the law on the freedom of belief and religion.


Art. 65

1. In accordance with the conditions established by law, the Republic of Hungary shall, if neither their country of origin nor another country provides protection, extend the right of asylum to foreign citizens who, in their native country or the country of their usual place of residence, are subject to persecution on the basis of race or nationality, their alliance with a specific social group, religious or political conviction, or whose fear of being subject to persecution is well founded.


Art. 67

1. In the Republic of Hungary all children have the right to receive the protection and care of their family, of the State and of the society which is necessary for their proper physical, mental and moral development.
2. Parents have the right to choose the education to be given to their children.


Art. 70A

1. The Republic of Hungary shall respect the human rights and civil rights of all persons in the country without discrimination on the basis of race, color, gender, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origins, financial situation, birth or on any other grounds whatsoever.
