Osservatorio delle libertà ed istituzioni religiose


Osservatorio delle Libertà ed Istituzioni Religiose

Documenti • 10 Febbraio 2005

Costituzione 08 dicembre 1991

Costituzione, 8 dicembre 1991.


Art. 4

1. The State foundation is laid on the unity of the Romanian people.
2. Romania is the common and indivisible homeland of all its citizens, without any discrimination on account of race, nationality, ethnic origin, language, religion, sex, opinion, political adherence, property, or social origin.


Art. 6

1. The State recognizes and guarantees the right of persons belonging to national minorities, to the preservation, development, and expression of their ethnic, cultural, linguistic, and religious identity.
2. The protecting measures taken by the Romanian State for the preservation, development, and expression of identity of the persons belonging to national minorities shall conform to the principles of equality and non-discrimination in relation to the other Romanian citizens.

Art. 7

The State shall support the strengthening of links with the Romanians living abroad and shall act accordingly for the preservation development and expression of their ethnic, cultural, linguistic, and religious identity under observance of the legislation of the State of which they are citizens.


Art. 29

1. Freedom of thought, opinion, and religious beliefs may not be restricted in any form whatsoever. No one may be compelled to embrace an opinion or religion contrary to his own convictions.
2. Freedom of conscience is guaranteed; it must be manifested in a spirit of tolerance and mutual respect.
3. All religions shall be free and organized in accordance with their own statutes, under the terms laid down by law.
4. Any forms, means, acts, or actions of religious enmity shall be prohibited in the relationships among the cults.
5. Religious cults shall be independent from the State and shall enjoy support from it, including the facilitation of religious assistance in the army, in hospitals, prisons, homes, and orphanages.
6. Parents or legal tutors have the right to ensure, in accordance with their own convictions, the education of the minor children whose responsibility devolves on them.

Art. 30


7. Any defamation of the country and the nation, any instigation to a war of aggression, to national, racial, class or religious hatred, any incitement to discrimination, territorial separatism, or public violence, as well as any obscene conduct contrary to morality shall be prohibited by law.


Art. 32


7. The State shall ensure the freedom of religious education, in accordance with the specific requirements of each religious cult. In public schools, religious education is organized and guaranteed by law.


Art. 39

1. Forced labor is prohibited.
2. Forced labor does not include:
a) any service of a military character or activities performed by those who, according to the law, are exempted from compulsory military service for conscientious objection;


Art. 44


2. The terms for entering into marriage, dissolution, and nullity of marriage, shall be established by law. Religious wedding may be celebrated only after civil marriage.
