Osservatorio delle libertà ed istituzioni religiose


Osservatorio delle Libertà ed Istituzioni Religiose

Documenti • 12 Maggio 2005

Codice penale 24 luglio 1998

Codice penale finlandese del 1889, come modificato dalla legge 24 luglio 1998 n. 563.

The Penal Code of Finland as amended by law 563/1998


Chapter 17 – Offences against public order


Section 10 – Breach of the sanctity of religion

A person who
(1) publicly blasphemes against God or, for the purpose of offending, publicly defames or desecrates what is otherwise held to be sacred by a church or religious community, as referred to in the Act on the Freedom of Religion (267/1998), or
(2) by making noise, acting threateningly or otherwise, disturbs worship, ecclesiastical proceedings, other similar religious proceedings or a funeral, shall be sentenced for a breach of the sanctity of religion to a fine or to imprisonment for at most six months.

Section 11 – Prevention of worship

(1) A person who employs or threatens violence, so as to unlawfully prevent worship, ecclesiastical proceedings or other similar religious proceedings arranged by a church of religious community, as referred to in the Act on the Sanctity of Religion, shall be sentenced for prevention of worship to a fine or to imprisonment for at most two years.
(2) An attempt is punishable.


(Unofficial translation © Ministry of Justice, Finland)