Osservatorio delle libertà ed istituzioni religiose


Osservatorio delle Libertà ed Istituzioni Religiose

Documenti • 9 Febbraio 2005

Accordo 29 giugno 1999

Agreement on cooperation between Czech Radio on one side and Conference of Czech Bishops and Ecumenical Council of Churches in the Czech Republic on the other side, 29 giugno 1999.

Considering the function of Czech Radio and based on reached level of mutual relationship and cooperation and on Christianity as basis of our and European spiritual culture, both parties in order to increase mutual collaboration conclude this Agreement on Cooperation.
Parties of the Agreement:
Czech Radio, hereinafter referred to as “CRa”,



1. Conference of Czech Bishops, hereinafter referred to as “CCB”,


2. Churches associated in Ecumenical Council of Churches in the Czech Republic, hereinafter referred to as


(Object of the agreement)

Object of this agreement is determination of level of mutual relationship and cooperation on preparation and output of programmes on religious themes, which are broadcasted by CRa.

(Detailed covenants)

1. CRa, CCB and ECC in Czech Republic cooperate closely on preparation of programmes on religious themes. These programmes should include wide spectrum of human life, society, labour and life of churches and ecumenical relationships.
2. CCB and ECC in Czech Republic are consultative body of the director of programme department in the field of broadcasting of programmes on religious themes and of the responsible editor-in-chief in sphere of personnel, i.e.:
a) their authorised representatives participate on hearing of consultative committee;
b) they express their opinion on theological qualification and spiritual competence of head of department of religious life (hereinafter referred to as “DRL”).

(Consultative committee [hereinafter referred to as “CC”])

1. CC is a consultative body of the director of programme department of CRa, who submit on each hearing of the committee programme schedule of broadcasted programmes on religious themes.
2. Hearing of CC is presiding by the director of programme department of CRa; head of DRL and editors-in-chief of Radio stations, which programmes on religious themes are broadcasted, participate on hearing. On hearing participate also authorised representatives of CCB and ECC of the Czech Republic.
3. CC evaluates religious broadcasting of CRa. Possible recommendations of changes of programme schedule will be discussed by CC and programme schedule of programmes with religious theme will be a component part of record, which will have a form of resolution of CC.
4. The director of programme department of CRa calls hearing of CC according to needs, at least twice a year.

(Final provisions)

1. This agreement is concluded for an indefinite time period and shall enter into force and into effect by the day of signature of the parties of this agreement.
2. By effect of this agreement the agreement from 19th of November 1995 is terminated.
3. This agreement may be repudiated by any side in written form with one month period of notice.
4. This agreement is made in 6 copies, each party of this agreement will receive 2 copies.