Osservatorio delle libertà ed istituzioni religiose


Osservatorio delle Libertà ed Istituzioni Religiose

Documenti • 26 Giugno 2008

Accordo 19 aprile 2006

Inter Apostolicam Sedem et Bosniam et Herzegoviam.

between the Holy See and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

*(in AAS 11 [2007], pp. 939-946)


to the Basic Agreement
between the Holy See and Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Holy See and Bosnia and Herzegovina, desiring to avoid all difficulties of interpretation of the Basic Agreement signed on 19 April 2006 in Sarajevo and to ensure the precise application of Art. 10 § 3 of the same Basic Agreement, declare:
The restitution of immoveable or nationalized goods seized without adequate compensation, including the term of their restitution, will be implemented in conformity with the law that shall regulate the matter of restitution in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
For the identification of immoveable goods to be transferred to ecclesiastical ownership or to be adequately compensated. a Mixed Commission will he established. composed of representatives of the two parties.
In conformity with Art. 18 of the Basic Agreement. matters that require new additional solutions will be addressed by common accord through the Mixed Commission. which will submit its proposals for the approval of the respective authorities.
This Additional Protocol forms an integral part of the Basic Agreement between the Holy See and Bosnia and Herzegovina and shall be ratified together with the same Basic Agreement.
The present Protocol, drawn up in Englis,. will be signed in duplicate. and will take effect together with the Basic Agreement between the Holy See and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Signed in Sarajevo, on twenty-ninth of September, 2006.

for the Holy See
Alessandro D’Errico

for Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ivo Miro Jovic

Postquam Conventio inter Apostolicam Sedum et Bosniam et Herzegoviam die XIX mensis Aprilis anno MMVI icta, simul cum Additicio Foederis Testimonio die XXIX mensis Septembris anno MMVI subsignato, rata habita fuiit. Instrumenta ratihabitionis accepta et reddita mutuo sunt in Civitate Vaticana die XXV mensis Octobris anno MMVII. Quae quidam Conventio. simul cum Additicio Foederis Testimonio, hoc eodem die eodemque anno rigere coepit ad normam articuli decimi noni, commatis secundi, eiusdem Pactionis.