Osservatorio delle libertà ed istituzioni religiose


Osservatorio delle Libertà ed Istituzioni Religiose

Legge 22 aprile 1999, n.523

Finlandia: “Personal Data Act”, 1999*. * Emendata dalla Legge 24 novembre 2000: “Act on the amendment of the Personal Data Act” (Omissis) Chapter 1 — General provisions Section 1 — Objectives The objectives of this Act are to implement, in the processing of personal data, the protection of private life and the other basic rights […]

Legge 12 febbraio 2003

Legge 12 febbraio 2003: “Personal Data Protection Act”. (Omissis) Chapter 1 General Provisions § 1. Purpose of Act The purpose of this Act is protection of the fundamental rights and freedoms of natural persons in accordance with public interests with regard to processing of personal data. § 2. Scope of application of Act (1) This […]

Legge 31 maggio 2000, n.429

Legge 31 maggio 2000, n. 429: “Act on Processing of Personal Data”. (Omissis) Title IGeneral provisions Part 1Scope of the Act 1. – (1) This Act shall apply to the processing of personal data wholly or partly by automatic means, and to the processing otherwise than by automatic means of personal data which form part […]

Legge 30 giugno 2002, n.19

Sudafrica. Legge 30 giugno 2002, n. 19: “Commission for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Cultural, Religious and Linguistic Communities Act”. (Omissis) PREAMBLE WHEREAS the South African nation consists of a diversity of cultural, religious and linguistic communities; AND WHEREAS past policies have bequeathed a legacy of division and inequality between these communities; […]

Legge 18 giugno 2004, n.21

Finlandia. Legge 18 giugno 2004, n. 21: “Non – discrimination Act”. (Omissis) Section 1 — Purpose of the Act The purpose of this Act is to foster and safeguard equality and enhance the protection provided by law to those who have been discriminated against in cases of discrimination that fall under the scope of this […]

Legge 05 giugno 2003, n.307

Svezia. Legge n. 307, del 5 giugno 2003 ” The Prohibition of Discrimination Act”. The purpose of the Act Section 1. The purpose of this Act is to combat discrimination associated with one of the following grounds for discrimination: ethnic origin, religion or other belief, sexual orientation or disability. Other provisions prohibiting discrimination Section 2 […]

Legge 01 gennaio 2004

Bulgaria. Legge 1 gennaio 2004: “Law on protection against discrimination”. (Omissis) CHAPTER ONE GENERAL PROVISIONS Article 1 This Law shall regulate the protection against all forms of discrimination and shall contribute to its prevention. Article 2 The purpose of this Law is to ensure for every person the right to: 1. equality before the law; […]

Legge 19 febbraio 2004, n.3

Kossovo. Legge n. 3, del 19 febbraio 2004: “The anti-discirmination law”. (Omissis) The Assembly of Kosovo Pursuant to the Regulation No. 2001/9, of 15 May 2001, on the Constitutional Framework for Provisional Self-Government of Kosovo, in particular on the provisions of Chapters 3.1, 3.2 and 5.7 and further, Bearing in mind the importance of supporting […]

Legge 28 gennaio 2004

Legge 28 gennaio 2004: "Law on freedom of religion and legal status of churches and religious organisations in Bosnia and Herzegovina". (Omissis) I General Provisions Article 1 Respecting own heritage and traditional values and tolerance, and coexistance of those present in multi-confessional character of Bosnia and Herzegovina and considering the contribution to the advancement of […]

Legge 23 agosto 2004, n.226

Legge 23 agosto 2004, n. 226: “Sospensione anticipata del servizio obbligatorio di leva e disciplina dei volontari di truppa in ferma prefissata, nonché delega al Governo per il conseguente coordinamento con la normativa di settore”. (omissis) Capo I DISPOSIZIONI GENERALI Art. 1 Sospensione del servizio di leva 1. Il comma 1 dell’articolo 7 del decreto […]