Osservatorio delle libertà ed istituzioni religiose


Osservatorio delle Libertà ed Istituzioni Religiose

Documenti • 10 Febbraio 2005

Legge 26 marzo 1992, n.192

Act 192/1992 on Registration of Churches and Religious Societies, 26 marzo 1992.

Art. 1

The authority executing registration of churches and religious societies under separate legislation in the territory of the Slovak Republic is the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic.

Art. 2

A church or religious society may submit a registration proposal when accompanied by documentation that the number of its adult followers (supporters) having permanent residence in the territory of the Slovak Republic is at least twenty thousand persons.

Art. 3

The Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic shall notify the Slovak Statistical Office in writing on the establishment and dissolution of a church or religious society within ten days of the decision taking legal effect on the registration or cancellation of the registration of the church or religious society.

Art. 4

This Act shall become effective on June 1, 1992.