Osservatorio delle libertà ed istituzioni religiose


Osservatorio delle Libertà ed Istituzioni Religiose

Documenti • 9 Febbraio 2005

Legge 14 ottobre 1949, n.218

Act no. 218/1949 Coll. on the state funding of churches and religious societies, 14 ottobre 1949, così come emendato nel 2002.

Section 1
(Personal emoluments of the clergy)

1. Under the subsequent provisions of this Act, the state shall make payments in the amount determined by specific regulations to the registered churches and religious societies upon which a power has been conferred to exercise special rights for the personal emoluments of the clergy employed by the churches and religious societies in spiritual guidance, church administration or educational establishments for the clergy, if the church or religious society has applied for such payments to be made.
2. This obligation shall not extend to those churches and religious societies whose clergy were provided with personal emoluments by the state as of 31 December 1989.
3. The total of the payments referred to in subsections (1) and (2) shall be specified in the national budgets of the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic.


Only persons of integrity may carry out spiritual activities in churches and religious societies.


1. The personal emoluments of the clergy shall comprise:
a) basic salary,
b) ecclesiastical rank bonus,
c) extra payment for better performance.
2. The Government shall by decree determine the amount of the basic salary, the manner and the extent in which it may be increased, the terms and conditions relative to the granting of the bonus for ecclesiastical rank and its amount, and the terms and conditions relative to the extra payment for better performance and its amount.


The clergy who are entitled to personal emoluments shall be also entitled to the remuneration of travelling, relocation, and other expenses under the general regulations.

Section 5
(Obligation to teach religion)

The clergy who provide spiritual guidance shall have the obligation to teach religion at schools free of charge, unless religion is taught otherwise. The minister in charge of the State Authority for Church Affairs shall specify, in agreement with the minister for education, science and arts, the extent and further details of this obligation.


Social benefits, in particular child benefits, and pension schemes for the clergy and their family members shall be provided under provisions equivalent to those applicable to civil servants. The Government shall specify the details.



(Overhead costs)

1. The state shall reimburse the registered churches and religious societies upon which a power has been conferred to exercise special rights for the usual overhead costs related to divine services and other religious acts and to the church administration in conformity with the approved budgets of these churches and religious societies.
2. The overhead costs budgets shall be made according to the real needs following the principles of the national budget; the State Authority for Church Affairs, in agreement with the ministry of finance, shall set forth further details.

Article 9

1. Representatives of churches and religious societies and administrators of church property are obliged to form budgets and final balances and submit them to State Office for Ecclesiastical Matters to approve them.
2. Budgets for regular material costs are formed according to the actual needs, and according to the principles of State Budget; particulars shall be determined by State Office for Ecclesiastical Matters with agreement of Ministry of Finance.

Section 10


(Discharge of obligations)

1. All private and public patronage of churches (buildings), prebends and other church establishments shall pass to the state.
2. Each and every obligation to make contributions to the churches and religious societies, their components, communities, institutes, foundations, churches (buildings), prebends, and funds based on patronage, other legal reasons or customs existing for a long time shall cease to exist, except for obligations of members of the churches and religious societies arising out of schemes approved by the state.

Section 12
(Educational establishments for the clergy)

The state shall run educational establishments for the clergy.

Section 13


Section 14
(Repealing provision)

All legislation regulating the legal condition of churches and religious societies shall be repealed.

Section 15
(Commencement and implementation)

This Act comes into force on 1 November 1949 and shall be implemented by all members of the Government.