Osservatorio delle libertà ed istituzioni religiose


Osservatorio delle Libertà ed Istituzioni Religiose

Documenti • 7 Febbraio 2005

Costituzione 01 marzo 1994

Costituzione della Repubblica Bielorussa, 1° marzo 1994.


Art. 4

1. Democracy in the Republic of Belarus shall be exercised on the basis of a variety of political institutions, ideologies, and views.
2. The ideology of political parties, religious or other public associations, and social groups may not be made compulsory for citizens.

Art. 5


3. The creation and activities of political parties and other public associations that aim at changing the constitutional system by force, or conduct a propaganda of war, ethnic, religious, or racial hatred, shall be prohibited.


Art. 11

Foreign nationals and stateless persons in the territory of Belarus shall enjoy rights and liberties and discharge duties on a par with the citizens of the Republic of Belarus, unless otherwise specified in the Constitution, the laws, and international agreements.

Art. 12

The Republic of Belarus may grant the right of asylum to persons persecuted in other states for political or religious beliefs or their ethnic affiliation.


Art. 14

The State shall regulate relations among social, ethnic, and other communities on the basis of the principles of equality before the law and respect of their rights and interests.


Art. 16

1. All religions and faiths shall be equal before the law. The establishment of any privileges or restrictions with regard to a particular religion or faith in relation to others shall not be permitted.
2. The activities of denominational organizations, their bodies and representatives, that are directed against the sovereignty of the Republic of Belarus, its constitutional system and civic harmony, or involve a violation of civil rights and liberties, shall be prohibited.
3. Relations between the State and religious denominations shall be governed by the law.


Art. 22

All shall be equal before the law and entitled, without discrimination, to equal protection of their rights and legitimate interests.

Art. 23

1. Restriction of personal rights and liberties shall be permitted only in the instances specified in law, in the interest of national security, public order, the protection of the morals and health of the population, as well as rights and liberties of other persons.


Art. 31

Everyone shall have the right independently to determine his attitude towards religion, to profess any religion individually or jointly with others, or to profess none at all, to express and spread beliefs connected with his attitude towards religion, and to participate in the performance of acts of worship and religious rituals and rites.


Art. 57

1. It shall be the responsibility and sacred duty of every citizen of the Republic of Belarus to defend the Republic of Belarus.
2. The procedure governing military service, the grounds and conditions for exemption from military service and the substitution thereof by alternative service shall be determined by the law.
