Osservatorio delle libertà ed istituzioni religiose


Osservatorio delle Libertà ed Istituzioni Religiose

Notizie • 13 Febbraio 2011

Linköping: Research conference Religion, Gender and Human Rights: Challenges for Multicultural and Democratic Societies (21-25 june 2011) (Deadline for application 29 march 2011)



ESF-LiU Conference

Religion, Gender and Human Rights: Challenges for Multicultural and Democratic Societies
Scandic Linköping Vast, Sweden
21-25 June 2011

Chairs: Niamh Reilly, National University of Ireland, IE; Stacey Scriver, National University of Ireland, IE & Sara Silvestri, City University London, UK

The brochure

This conference will examine the nexus of religion, gender, identity, human rights and politics with a particular focus on Europe in a context of globalisation.
It will fill a gap in current literature on religion, politics and society, which tends to ignore or treat as secondary the gendered dimensions of these developments.
Toward this end, the conference seeks to advance knowledge and understanding, and to build a coherent research network, around the following core goals to:
1) Move gender from the periphery to the centre of
contemporary debates about the role of religion in public and political life;
2) Stimulate new feminist and gender scholarship concerned with the critical (re)interpretation of religions and gendered faith-based practices across different religious traditions;
3) Foreground and apply an ‘intersectional’ lens to issues of religion, gender and women’s human rights, and bring into dialogue feminist theorizing on gender and religion across global ‘South’ and global ‘North’ perspectives;
4) Expand the horizon of gender-focused human rights analysis at the nexus of religion, gender, citizenship and rights.

The conference will bring together senior and emerging scholars across a range of relevant disciplines including, but not limited to, political science and international relations, sociology,
gender and women’s studies, human rights and sociolegal studies, development, anthropology, European studies, and religious studies.



17:00 onwards: Registration at the ESF desk

19:00: Welcome Drink

20:00: Dinner


Strand 1: Identity, representation and multiculturalism

09.00-10.45: Panel I – Gender and religion: identity, religious subjectivities and law and politics
Overview of conference themes

Sawitri Saharso, University of Twente, NL
Stephanie Mitchem, University of South Carolina, US
Nira Yuval Davis, University of East London, UK
Titia Loenen, Utrecht University, NL

10.45-11.00: Coffee Break

11.00-12.45: Discussion group session

Facilitated small group sessions to identify major research challenges/questions in each conference strand: identity, religious subjectivities and critiques; law, rights, states and politics.
Followed by plenary feedback

12.45-14.00: Lunch

14.00-15.45: Roundtable I – Gender, religion and identity: immigration, integration and multiculturalism

Breda Gray, University of Limerick, IE
Elif Medina, University of Vienna, AT
Andrew Yip, University of Nottingham, UK
Catarina Kinnvall, Lund University, SE

15.45-16.00: Coffee Break

16.00-17.45: Poster presentations

20.00: Dinner


Strand 2: Religious subjectivities and critiques

09.00-10.45: Panel II – Religious subjectivities and gender critiques of religions  Foregrounding feminist and gender studies in religion across different traditions

Anka Grzywacz, Catholics for Choice, PL
Charlotte Fonrobert, Stanford University, US
Harriet Harris, University of Edinburgh, UK

10.45-11.00: Coffee Break

11.00-12.45: Roundtable II – ‘Religion’ in the academy through a gender lens: challenges in theory, methods and practice.
A conversation between scholars working ‘in religion’ and ‘on religion’

Tina Beattie, Roehampton University, UK
Naomi Goldenberg, University of Ottawa, CA
Vesna Malesevic, National University of Ireland, Galway, IE
Rubya Mehdi, University of Copenhagen, DK

12.45-2.00: Lunch

14.30: Excursion

19.00: Dinner

FRIDAY 24 June

Strand 3: Law, rights, states and politics

9.00-10.45: Roundtable III – Gender, religion, human rights and the state
Focus on the role of law and state in regulating and/or accommodating ‘religion’, religious expression and balancing ‘rights’

Jeff Redding, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, FR / St. Louis University, US
Valerie Amiraux, University of Montreal, CA
Fatemeh Haghighatjoo, University of Massachusetts, Boston, US

10.45-11.00: Coffee Break

11.00-12.45: Panel III – Secularization, secularism and the public sphere: engendering debates.
Exploring competing ideas about ‘secularization’ and the principle of secularism in multicultural democracies

Sarah Bracke, Catholic University Leuven, BE
Geraldine Finn, Carleton University, CA
Fadwa Al-Labadi, Al-Quds University, IL
Jawad Syed, University of Kent, UK

12.45-2.00: Lunch

14.00-15.45: Panel IV – Gender and religion in international/transnational politics and global issues.
Religion in national/transnational politics and policy making; religious identity/religious actors in conflict/post-conflict contexts

Naveed Sheikh, Keele University, UK
Sara Silvestri, City University London, UK
Anne Jenichen, University of Bremen, DE

15.45-16.00: Coffee Break

16.00-17.45: Forward Look Session

Panel – TBA

19.30: Conference Dinner and Poster Prize Giving


Breakfast and Departure

More information available from: http://www.esf.org/conferences/11352

Closing date for applications: 29 March 2011
Support grants available for early-stage researchers.

For application form:  http://www2.esf.org/asp/esfrcaf.asp?confcode=352&meetno=1

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